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考察发现,在过去的10 到20年里,澳大利亚的高等教育发生了巨大的变化。办学质量、国际化程度、办学效益等大幅度提高。最近,英国时代周刊公布了全球大学排行榜(The Times Higher Education Supplement List),在前50名中,澳大利亚有6所大学名列其中,在前200所中,澳大利亚有14所大学名列其中。仅排在美国(62)和英国(30)之后。尽管人们对此排名非议不少,但澳大利亚大学在全球高等教育中的地位已经举足轻重,这是不争的事实。考虑到澳大利亚人口只有大约2000万,大学只有40所,办学历史最长的Sydney大学也仅有150年这些事实,澳大利亚大学的办学成就不能不令世人瞩目。近年来,澳大利亚有多位校长先后到剑桥等全球顶级大学出任校长就很能说明问题。

澳大利亚大学的历史性发展主要应该归功于澳大利亚工党政府在1988年发起,并持续到今天的高等教育改革。这一改革的主要内容是通过高等教育拨款制度的改革促使澳大利亚高等教育机构由原有的大学和学院二元结构转变为目前只有大学这样的一元结构,大学的规模因合并和发展而扩大,高等教育机构的数目因合并而显著减少。此外,在这场改革中,政府通过放宽教育收费使大学财政收入多元化,迫使大学学会按市场规律办学。在改仿仿革中,政府还采取一系列举措为大学内部改革创造条件,使澳大利亚大学更具竞争力。例如,将沿用多年的高等教育员工工资增加部分在政府财政无条件自动提供改变为通过绩效考核和承诺未来作为的基础上轿碰,政府与大学协商安排的办法,这样就拉开了大学的差距,造成了竞争。同样,大学对雇员工资增加部分也建立在绩效考核和承诺的基础之上。为了推进大学改革,澳大利亚政府还将大学运行经费的2%通过学校设计改革项目的形式拨付,借此,促进大学改革。在政府承担经费的招生计划分配上,联邦教育、科技部官员在考察大学办学条件等的基础上与大学协商分配。政府允许大学在下达计划招生任务基础上多招收不超过总量25%的国内自费生,这部分学生的学费政府也通过提供贷款等方式予以支持。为确保澳大利亚高等教育的良好声誉,政府策划成立了富有特色的,旨在鼓励大学特色办学的,全国性的大学质量监督局(Australian University Quality Agency,AUQA)。一系列精心设计、相互配套的改革举措的实施,造就了澳大利亚高等教育的大发展。同时,也引起了澳大利亚高等教育管理模式的深刻变化。一系列新的办学理念也提了出来。例如,学生是学校的客户,作为商家,学校必须让顾客满意;学校的公司化运作概念;学校最高权利机构董事会的功能及其成员作用的重新认识;办学质量就是商家的产品质量;学校要参与教育市场竞争就应该在管理上、财务上等多方面增加透明度,接受社会监督等,理念的更新和角色的转变从根本上保证了澳大利亚高等教育的持续发展。








考察澳、新大学后的另一突出感受是澳、新大学培养了一大批在国际舞台上十分活跃的优秀人才。例如,悉尼大学培养了世界银行行长James Wolfensohn,澳大利亚首相John Howard,诺贝尔经济学奖获得者John C. Harsanyi,以及奥斯卡电影奖获得者Jane Campion等。这些大学的毕业生深受国际国内人才市场的欢迎,学生毕业半年后的就业率一般达到80%左右。澳新大学为什么具有高的人才培养质量?普遍认为,除了他们具有比较完备的质量保证体系外,他们在学生工作和师资培训方面的一些独到做法也是高水平毕业生培养的重要因素。

澳、新大学学生工作最为突出的特点是学生为本、服务为本。学生为本,服务为本,从宏观上看表现在办学理念上。例如,澳大利亚格利菲斯大学(Griffith University)校长戴维斯教授说:“办学要以学生为本,以学生为中心,就是要给学生以最好的教育”。新西兰梅西大学(Massey University)提出学生管理的主要目标是以学生为中心,具体的要求是“诚实可信的交流,迅速周到的服务,准确无误的信息,持续不断的改进”。从具体工作层面上看,学生为本、服务为本则体现在一整套完整的和具有特色的学生工作体系上。





体 会


1. 加强学生工作与师资工作的整合与互动


为避免将学生工作与师资工作分割开来的做法,有必要将这两部分工作逐步整合起来。具体来说,可以借鉴澳新大学的做法,负责学术(Academic)事务的校长同时负责师资培训(Staff Development),从领导体制上将这两部分工作整合起来,以真正确保建立教学相长、师生互动的机制,通过这一机制促进教学质量和人才培养质量的提高。其次,要明确高等学校科研和教学同等重要,互相促进的理念,澳大利亚国立大学(ANU)就是突出的例子,它是澳大利亚和国际上知名的研究型大学,也是教学质量最高的大学。研究型大学并不意味着科学研究比教学重要,而是意味着提高教学质量和人才培养质量的方式有所不同。

2. 更新学生工作理念,完善学生工作体制


(1) 把以人为本的社会理念,具体化为“学生第一”的工作模式。


所以,我们的大学工作乃至整个教育建立“以学生为本 ”的工作理念和“学生第一”的工作模式,在教育,管理和服务的诸功能中,更加突出服务学生的功能和作用是重要的。

(2) 积极构建以学生学习为中心,以学生发展为目标的学生服务体系。

澳、新高校的学生服务部门为学生入学到离校提供一系列服务,其中,对学生的学习指导和帮助是最为突出的项目。学习方法(learning skills)的指导和训练,从学生一进校就开始,其核心是促进学生的终身发展。


(3) 发展主体性教育,实现自律与他律的结合;

澳、新高校的学生服务部门重视引导学生自主学习,把尊重学生的个性发展与坚持对学生的责任教育相结合,建立起学生自律契约机制。学校不仅强调学生自主,“学生更多自己定向”(Education at this level requires more self-direction than teacher-direction.)同时,也强调学生对自己的责任(You are responsible for your education.)。一些学校甚至还做到让学生签订自律协议书。



(4) 发展专业性教育,实现学生工作的科学化

在澳洲高校,人们重视继续教育或终身教育(further education)。教育既是对学生的,也是对教师的。从事学生工作的人员和教师,都必须接受更多的专业化教育和训练。这给我们带来了新的视角和启示,其中的比如,我国的高等教育应该如何为学生全面发展和终身发展奠定基础的教育;如何创造条件,让每个学生都能得到发展,并尽可能使每个学生都能达到他所能达到的理想水平等等,都给我们的学生教育、管理和服务队伍的人员提出更高的要求。




When students finish their high school, most of them will to go study in college, the first thing they do is to choose the major. Choosing the major is a big problem for every college student, not only for Chinese students, but also for the students around the world. Students will face the factors such as their interest is more important or the future of the major worth being first concerned.

On the one hand, most parents care about the future of the major. When students decide the major, parents will interfere with their own opinion, they want their children can have a bring future, so they care much about the needed talent of the society. Thus the children can find a promising job and earn more money.

On the other hand, students want to choose the major that they are interested. This is often contradicting with their parents’ opinion. Some students want to learn art, but most parents won’t be allowed it because it is hard for students to find a job. Everyone admits that interest is the first factor, with it, students will feel happy.

When choosing the major, students should considerate their parents’ opinion, most parents are open-minded, they will respect the kids’ willingness.


Do You Prefer High Salary or A Promising Job?)

When it comes to the choice of career, some people prefer the job with high salary. Why? Their reasons run as following: to begin with, high salary can bring them happy life; in addition, with high salary, they can do whatever they want.

But some others prefer to choose a job with promising future. They base their choice on the following reasons: on one hand, a promising job itself means a raise and promotion in the future; on another hand, job with a bright future will bring them honor and sense of pride.

As for me, if I’m left to make the choice, I’ll not hesitate to choose a promising job. First of all, I appreciate the honor and challenge it brings to me. At the same time, if I work hard, it will offer me a lot of opportunities including high salary, good position, etc.


A college degree is an advantage in today's workforce. The number and of jobs available for college graduates is much greater and they often have higher salary and benefits.
Availability of Jobs
The number of jobs that require a college degree or where a college education is an advantage is increasing. In previous generations, there were many levels of jobs available for those without a college education or in some cases, even a high school diploma. However now many of these jobs simply do not exist any longer, or now require college education.
Industrial jobs, trades and skilled labor were more prevalent before the rise of computer technology. Now many industries require a smaller workforce because of technological advances. Even though not as many assembly line workers are needed, there are many jobs available in engineering, management and business administration in which a college education is an advantage.
Types of Jobs
The advantages of a college degree in scientific, manufacturing and engineering fields are very strong. College students can now study highly specialized science related degrees that apply directly to business settings. Safety engineering, environmental science and DNA analytics are examples of highly specialized fields that have become in demand in just the past 10 years or so.
One of the advantages of a college education is that students become aware of many subjects and fields that they never would have considered without going to college. Students are required to take a variety of basic education courses such as math, sciences, literature and basic computing. Electives are also required and students may take a course that just sounds interesting or appealing to them. Often students discover during one of these courses that they have a talent and/or passion for a subject and begin to understand its potential in the job marketplace.
While obtaining a specialized degree is necessary in some fields, sometimes just having a college education is an advantage, regardless of the field of study. Employers want to know that their employees have a well rounded basic education. The advantages of a college degree will be proven when your resume is chosen over those who did not make the commitment to complete their education.
Salary & Benefits
The advantage of a college degree equals to higher wages and salaries. In the Winter 2004-05 Occupational Outlook Quarterly, The US Department of Labor reported that "In 2003, workers who had a bachelor's degree had median weekly earnings of $900, compared with $554 a week for high school graduates--that's a difference of $346 per week, or a 62 percent jump in median earnings." These figures are a bold statement that the advantage of a college degree is its increased earning power.
Job seekers will also find that positions that may not actually require a college education will still pay more to those who have a degree. Jobs seekers with a college education will still earn higher salaries, even when the degree is not directly required for the job.
The jobs that do not require a college education often have fewer benefits. These jobs often provide no retirement or health insurance benefits which are imperative to financial security and the stability of the family.


There are many reasons to pursue a higher education, but rarely are those reasons so clearly expressed as they are in the statistical data and recent report released by The Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce. After reviewing this report, College Compass is proud to present a concise and informative summary of the most important reasons to pursue a Bachelor’s degree. We hope you all enjoy our presentation, and encourage you to comment if you have any thoughts or questions!
The Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce recently released astudy detailing the benefits of a post-secondary education in the recession and post-recession workforce. The report, aptly named The College Advantage: Weathering the Economic Storm, details the particulars of the nation’s recent economic turmoil, specifically in regard to the benefits of a Bachelor’s degree in the present-day workforce. It should come as no surprise to our readers that a college education is desirable, but the difference in wage earning potential, employment rates and underemployment rates, as well as the intangible benefits, that a college degree affords its recipients is astonishing. Additionally, according to the Georgetown University report, a bachelor’s degree not only increases the likelihood of someone finding a job, despite the economy’s sluggish performance, but also of keeping it. For these reasons, and many more, it is clear the advantages of a college degree are essential components to succeeding in a modern workforce.

"The Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce is an independent, nonprofit research and policy institute affiliated with the Georgetown Public Policy Institute that studies the link between education, career qualifications, and workforce demands."
According to their Press Release, “The wage premium for a bachelor’s degree or better relative to high school degrees skyrocketed from 44 percent in 1981 to 100 percent in 2005 and has only fallen to 97 percent since the beginning of the recession.” This means the average wage earning potential is almost double for a college graduate; the historic trend of degree-holders dwarfing the wage earning potential of less educated workers has significantly increased despite, and in the face of, the recent economic recession.
In terms of job creation since the beginning of the Recovery, which is considered to be the period from January 2010 to February 2012 (Note: the recovery is ongoing, but February 2012 is when Georgetown’s study stopped using data for this report), “Jobs that require a bachelor’s degree have been the big winner, increasing by 2.2 million jobs … At the same time 5.8 million jobs for those with high school (degrees) or less have been lost since the recession began.” These startling statistics make it clear that one of the safest investments you can make in a national and global recession, and subsequent recovery, is in your education. A bachelor’s degree significantly increases your chance of finding a job; in fact, “ more than half of all jobs created (since the recovery) have gone to workers with Bachelor’s degrees or better.”
During the Recession, which is considered to have occurred in the period from December 2007 to January 2010, not only was there no aggregate job loss among workers with a Bachelor’s degree or higher, there was actually a creation of 187,000 jobs; this means that even before entering into the Recovery, jobs requiring a Bachelor’s degree were not only NOT being eliminated, they were being created. Consider these statistics, taken directly from the GUCEW’s report, “… the unemployment rate for recent four-year college graduates … is at 6.8 percent. At the same time, the unemployment rates for recent high school graduates are near 24 percent.” Taken together, these statistics suggest a bachelor’s degree increases your chances of not only finding a job, but keeping it.
Another interesting perspective to take when considering the benefits of a college education is not just unemployment but underemployment. Someone is underemployed when they are employed at a low-paying job that requires less skill or training than they actually possess. In a comparison of relative underemployment, “the underemployment rate for four-year college graduates is currently (May 2012) at 8.4 percent … for high school graduates (it) is … at 17.3 percent.” So, even if you were to set aside the obvious financial incentives of obtaining a post-secondary education, there are still important reasons to pursue a bachelor’s degree, i.e. job satisfaction.

A graphic example of success with or without a Bachelor's degree.
There are a number of reasons, even aside from the compelling data offered by The Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce, to believe a bachelor’s degree is a critical component to financial success in a modern economy and contemporary workforce. A Bachelor’s degree, or even an Associate’s degree, demonstrates to potential employers that you are competent and intelligent. A degree also represents an ability to commit to, and succeed in achieving, long term goals.
Disregarding the conspicuous advantages afforded to potential employees by a Bachelor’s degree, as compared to less educated applicants, another important aspect to consider when deciding to pursue a post-secondary education is the actual investment in oneself it represents. This idea can be referred to as “Human Capital,” which is the real knowledge and experience a college education gives you. There is no way to quantify or exactly measure everything you learn through the experience of graduating college, but it is evident that a graduate is much better prepared for the “real world.” This is because a college degree is not just for show; you learn valuable information by attending class regularly and gain equally valuable, and practical, experience by rising to the challenge of applying that information in a classroom setting.


Dear senior school student:
As a university student,i am so pleased to suggest some recommendations for professional and reason.If you are girl,i suggest preschool education major(学前教育)。  Register for examination of the professional basic condition is that you should like children.
How should note?Mybe you can learn dancing,singing. That we can be more confident participate in the interview.If you are boy,i want to see you learn Medical Science in few years lately.Register for examination of the professional basic condition is that you must learn Biology well.


以上,就是蜕变学习网小编给大家带来的介绍大学专科专业英语作文 大学生英语作文范文:如何选专业全部内容,希望对大家有所帮助!




