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都江堰大学介绍英语专业 四川外语学院成都学院好不好?

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今天蜕变学习网小编整理了都江堰大学介绍英语专业 四川外语学院成都学院好不好?,希望在这方面能够更好的帮助到考生及家长。


The Dujiangyan Dam, 45km north of Chengdu, is an ancient technological wonder of the country. More than 2000 yers ago, Li Bing(250-200BC), as a local governor of the Shu State, designed this water control and irrigation dam and organized thousands of local people to complete the project to check the Mingjiang River.For many years the river,flooded the Chengdu agricultural area and local farmers suffered a lot from the water disaster. Due to the success of the project, the dam automatically diverts the Mingjiang River and channels it into irrigation canals. For many years the dam has continued to make the most of the water conservancy works.Expansion has been undertaken since 1949 and at present the system does a good job of irrigating farming land across 33counties of the western part of Sichuan Province. Local people feel proud of the system becaude it has supported a large amount of people in their daily life.What makes this system so good?The system is a large hydraulic water project which consists of three main parts: the Fish Mouth Water-Dividing Dam, the Flying Sand Fence, and the Bottle-Neck Channel.The Fish mouth functions to divide the flow of water into an inner river and an outer river. Long ago, when Li Bing worked as the local governor of the Shu State, he found the old river canal was too narrow to hold much water, which often overflowed the banks and caused disastrous flood. Based on natural geographic conditions, he organized the people to build a man-made dam. The whole dam looks like a fish, and the front dam has a circular cone shaped like a fish mouth. It is the dam that channels water into an outer canal and an inner canal. The outer water canal functions as the main stream and holds sixty percent of water in the river. The extra water goes through the inner canal for irrigation in Chengdu areas.The Flying Sand Fence joins the inner and outer canals. The fence functions to controll the flow of water and discharge excess into the inner canal from the main stream. During the dry season the fence doesn't work much, but when floods occur, the river rushes forward along the outer canal. As it approaches the fence, the fence,the river begins to turn round fast and soon many whirlpools are formed. The volatile whirlpools sweep away sand and pebbles and, throw them into the outer canal. For many years huge bamboo baskets were used as the fence. They were filled with stones and pebbles. However,at present, reinforced concrete weir has replaced the ancient fence.So now, let's discuss the Bottle-Neck Channel. A trunk canal was cut through the mountain into two parts which link up the inner canal for irrigation. The small part is later called Li Dui, which means an isolated hill. Chengdu looks like a large bottle and the trunk canal between the mountain and the hill takes shape of the bottleneck. The trunk canal technically has two functions: First, it leads the water to irrigate the farming land in western Sichujan; Secondly, the trunk casnal works together with the Flying Sand Weir to keep the flow below a certain point in the inner canal during flood season. Some stone tablets, which stand on the isolated hill, are engraved in Buddhist Sanskrit. The local people hope that the Buddhist tablets can exert the Buddhist superpower to harness flood disaster. For over two thousand years, in fact, the Fish Mouth Water-Dividing Dam, the Flying Sand Weir, and the Bottle-neck Channel automatically work together to control foods and sweep away sand and stones in the main stram. The local people benefit a lot from this project.Not far from the Dujiang Dam, a Daoist temple complex was wrwcted was erected to commemorate the benevolent rule of Li Bing and his son who succeeded him. Li Bing and his son were granted the posthumous title of Wang. The folk story says that July 24of the Chinese Lunar Calendar is Li Bing' birthday. On the day many local people visit the temple where they prostrate themselges before the image of Li Bing and his son and burn incense to honor them. The larger-than-life painted statues of father and sonoverlook the rushing river below. Nearby a stone tablet os engraved with a famous six-character quotation from Li Bing,"when the river flows in zigzags, cut a straight channel. When the riverbeb is wide and shallow, dig it deeper." The temple which is built near the mountaintop, is a popular stopping place for sightseers. There one can enjoy a unique view of the most modern parts of the water conservation project.People appreciate the ancient wonder, which still works to benefit people today.


学校成都校区坐落于著名的世界风景文化名胜区成都市都江堰青城山麓,依山傍水、风景秀丽、空气清新,校内园林景点纷呈,湖光水色相映。为更好地服务地方经济社会发展,为治蜀兴川提供 人才支持,学校在“万里长江第一城”——宜宾侍租市建设宜宾校区。宜宾校区位于宜宾市国家级临港经济技术开发区,地处宜宾市“大学城”核心区域,地理位置优越,2023年正式投入使用。 学校开设有英语、日语、德语、西班牙语、法语、葡萄牙语、朝鲜语(韩语)、俄语、越南语、泰语、意大利语、阿拉伯语、波兰语、捷克语、匈牙利语、马来语等16个外语专业和翻译、商务英语、汉语国际教育、新闻学、国际经济与贸易、国际商务、会展经济与管理、汉语言文学、学前教育、电子商务、体育运营与管理、高尔夫球运动与管理、酒店管理、商务日语、休闲体育、播音与主持艺术、民航空中安全保卫等与外语相关的本专科专业,面向全国27个省(市、区)招生,现有全日制在校生17000余人。


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问题一:都江堰,用英语怎么说 du jiang yan 用一声说出来就行

问题二:都江堰市四川的著名景点的英文 青城山 Mount Qingcheng
都江堰 Dujiang Dam

问题三:都江堰英文介绍 中国英语学习网,中国英誉塌斗语第一门户 24en
The Dujiangyan Dam, 45km north of Chengdu, is an ancient technological wonder of the country. More than 2000 yers ago, Li Bing(250-200BC), as a local governor of the Shu State, designed this water control and irrigation dam and organized thousands of local people to plete the project to check the Mingjiang River.For many years the river,flooded the Chengdu agricultural area and local farmers suffered a lot from the water disaster. Due to the success of the project, the dam automatically diverts the Mingjiang River and channels it into irrigation c *** s. For many years the dam has continued to make the most of the water conservancy works.
Expansion has been undertaken since 1949 and at present the system does a good job of irrigating farming land across 33counties of the western part of Sichuan Province. Local people feel proud of the system becaude it has supported a large amount of people in their daily life.
What makes this system so good?
The system is a large hydraulic water project which consists of three main parts: the Fish Mouth Water-Dividing Dam, the Flying Sand Fence, and the Bottle-Neck Channel.
The Fish mouth functions to divide the flow of water into an inner river and an outer river. Long ago, when Li Bing worked as the local governor of the Shu State, he found the old river c *** was too narrow to hold much water, which often overflowed the banks and caused disastrous flood. Based on natural geographic condition......>>

问题四:“众所周知都江堰是中国著名的水利工程”这句话用英文怎么说。 It is well known that Doujiang Weir is famous Conservancy Project in China.

问题五:拜水都衫凳江堰,问道庆磨青城山 英语翻译? visiting the Dujiang weir,ask for the way of life at Mont Qingcheng

问题六:让你说都江堰你怎么说 是都江堰吧?修建于战国时期,是秦国的李冰父子主持修建的,至今已有两千多年的历史。它的功能是防洪灌溉,是著名的水利工程。2008年汶川地震余震波及都江堰市,受点轻微的毁坏,当年已经修复完整。现在也是四川有名的历史风景区。


【免费定制个人学历提升方案和复习资料: https://www.jxjyw.com/tg/?bdlk 】四川公办专升本学校名单:
在长期的办学实践中,学校形成“团结奋斗、艰苦创业”的优良传统,秉承“厚德精业 、仁爱济世”的校训和“自强不息、守正出新 ”的精神,坚持“厚德精业、兼容开放”的办学理念,形成了“德业双修、中西医并重”的办学特色。
下方免费学历提升方案介绍: 安徽省专接本《大学英语》真题回忆版(2021年)
格式:PDF大小:289.65KB 统招专升本《计算机基础》真题汇编
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Dujiangyan is located in the west of dujiangyan city, sichuan province, is located in the minjiang river in the west of the chengdu plain. Dujiangyan water conservancy project was built in 256 BC, is so far, all over the world s most long, the only thing left, is characterized by no dam diversion of water conservancy projects. Is a national key cultural relics protection units. Near dujiangyan, beautiful scenery and numerous cultural relics, there are mainly FuLong view, the two Kings temple, peaceful bridge, which, from the pile of park, which mountain park and lingyan temple, etc.

The dujiangyan irrigation project by the creation of yuzui water-dividing dike, fly sand dam spillway, BaoPingKou irrigating gate three main engineering and baizhang dike, herringbone dam and other accessory works. Scientifically solved the automatic water distributary and desilting, control the water flow, flood, eliminates the make western sichuan plain "severe" from the man's "land of abundance". More than two thousand years, has played a flood control and irrigation. By 1998, dujiangyan irrigation area has reached more than 40 counties, irrigated area of 668700 hectares.

Fish mouth is built in jiangxin water dam, the minjiang river surge is divided into outer and neijiang, jiang outside having, jiang baopingkou water diversion irrigation. Fly sand dam up xie hong, desilting and adjust the action of water. BaoPingKou control water flow, the shape of the mouth for such as bottlenecks, therefore calls BaoPingKou. In the river after BaoPingKou into the western sichuan plain irrigation farmland. From the hills hill part of truncation, which is called "from the heap.

侍族判Dujiangyan water conservancy project makes full use of local geographical conditions of high northwest, southeast low, according to the mountain rivers in special terrain, water vein, water potential, return pattern, no dam diversion, gravity irrigation, the embankment, water, water, sand, curtains on interdependence, for system, to ensure the water flood control, irrigation, water transportation and social comprehensive benefits into full play. After the completion of dujiangyan, the chengdu plain lies thousands of miles, "province.with from people, do not know famine, when no famine," tianfu ". Culture has a great development of the economy in sichuan province. Its greatest dam was built two thousand years enduring, and it plays a more and more big. Dujiangyan to create, in order to does not destroy the natural resources, make full use of natural resources for human services for the premise, change for profit, make the person, the land, water three highly harmonious and unified.

Dujiangyan project remain, so far still plays a job. With the enlargement of the scope of the development of science and technology and irrigation area, begin from 1936, gradually switch to slurry concrete build by laying bricks or stones pebble technology of ancient project for repair, reinforcement, add some of the water conservancy facilities, the engineering layout and ancient weir are crowded "deep, low weir tao beach", "return pattern, since the", "cutting Angle, every heart is pumping in bay" and other valuable hasn't changed, dujiangyan water conservancy project to become the world's best model of water resource utilization. Water conservancy experts, after carefully watched the whole project design of its height more than the scientific level of marvel. Such as sand weir design is a good use of the theory of swirling flow. The weir, at ordinary times can be irrigated, flooding can drain into the river, but also the role of sand and gravel, sometimes big stones can roll away from the weir. There were no cement, for such a big engineering is use local materials, using bamboo cages packed pebble as weir, expenses in province, effect is remarkable.

Dujiangyan scenic in this area, there are many places of interest, it is an ideal tourist attraction. Dujiangyan one with two Kings temple, FuLong view, peaceful bridge such as places of historic interest.

Two Kings temple is located in minjiang river right bank slopes, the former in dujiangyan, a former memory of the king of shu emperor temple, JiJianWu (A.D. 494-498) when the change of si bing and his son, renamed the "chong DE temple". After the song dynasty (960-1279), emperor bing and his son have been ChiFeng is king, so be called "two Kings temple". Temple in the main sanctuary dedicated has the statue of bing and his son, and treasure water conservancy quotes, poet inscriptions, and so on.

FuLong view the heap of the park. Legend bing water conservancy were here when the surrender dragon, existing triple temple and QianDian are neutral during the eastern han dynasty (25-220 AD) the bing stone carving. Inside and weir work statues of the eastern han dynasty, tang dynasty Jin Xian and princess YuZhen relic - fly Long Ding when qingcheng mountain monastery.

Peaceful Bridges also known as "peaceful bridge", "bridge". Was built in the song dynasty. In dujiangyan, fish mouth, is known as "five Bridges" in ancient China, is the most typical landscape of dujiangyan. Bridge to raft stone retainer, hanging from a thick bamboo cable cross river on board for the deck, on both sides with bamboo rope to bar, total length of about 500 meters. The late Ming dynasty (17th century AD) was destroyed by fire. Now the bridge concrete pile for cable.

Is not only a world-famous dujiangyan water conservancy project in ancient China, is also a famous scenic spot. In 1982, dujiangyan, sichuan qingcheng mountain - dujiangyan scenic area as an important part of it was approved by the state council listed in the first list of state-level scenic spots. On May 8, 2007, chengdu - dujiangyan qingcheng mountain scenic spots by the national tourism administration approval for the state 5 - tourist scenic spot.

According to the UN convention on the protection of world cultural and natural heritage the second paragraph of article 1 of the regulations on cultural heritage definition: "building: from the historical, artistic or scientific perspective in architecture, distributed evenly, or combined with environment landscape has outstanding universal value of monomer or connection of buildings". Dujiangyan water conservancy engineering with a long history, large-scale, layout reasonable, scientific operation, combination, in harmony with the environment in history and science has outstanding universal value, in 2000 the United Nations conference on the world heritage committee the 24th dujiangyan was identified as the world cultural heritage.

以上,就是蜕变学习网小编给大家带来的都江堰大学介绍英语专业 四川外语学院成都学院好不好?全部内容,希望对大家有所帮助!

以上,就是蜕变学习网小编给大家带来的都江堰大学介绍英语专业 四川外语学院成都学院好不好?全部内容,希望对大家有所帮助!




