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美国大学航空管理专业介绍 美国有哪些大学开设航空航天专业?其中的专业素养真...

今天蜕变学习网小编整理了美国大学航空管理专业介绍 美国有哪些大学开设航空航天专业?其中的专业素养真...相关信息,希望在这方面能够更好的帮助到考生及家长。

今天蜕变学习网小编整理了美国大学航空管理专业介绍 美国有哪些大学开设航空航天专业?其中的专业素养真...,希望在这方面能够更好的帮助到考生及家长。


根据目前各大高校对空乘专业的招生情况,可以归属为空乘专业的 大学专业 有空中乘务、民航运输、航空物流、民航空中安全保卫四个航空类专业,还包括应用英语、文秘、酒店管理、旅游管理、表演艺术、旅游英语等专业的空乘、机场地勤培养方向,其中大部分院校都是按照前面四个航空类专业招生,只有少部分院校以后面普通专业航空方向来招生。
目前全国开设有四个航空类专业的专本科大学有300多所,其中开设空中乘务专业的340多所,开设航空物流专业的有20多所,开设民航运输专业的有近30所,开设民航空中安全保卫专业的有16所,其中比较好的高考统招院校有 上海民航职业技术学院中国民航大学中国民用航空飞行学院 等,这些院校都需要考生参加高考等考试,填报志愿报考,高考成绩达到 录取线 方可被录取。
目前国内有50多所大学设置了航空类专业计划外招生计划,面向全国高中生、三校生、高考生及落榜生、初中毕业生招生,没有高考成绩要求,不设置分数线,比如 北京理工大学四川外国语大学上海财经大学西安外国语大学中国海洋大学 等。
目前开设有普通类高考专业航空方向的大学有10多所,主要就是上面所说的6个专业,其中开设最多的就是 旅游管理专业 空中乘务方向,比如高考统招院校有黄山职业技术学院兰州文理学院内蒙古民族大学重庆科技职业学院等。




地点:俄亥俄州哥伦布、 US News 最佳工程学院总体排名: 30(并列)、专攻航空航天的工程专业研究生百分比: 3.7%、航天工程教职工人数: 20


地点:纽约特洛伊、US News 最佳工程学院总体排名: 43(并列)、专攻航空航天的工程专业研究生百分比: 8.4%、航空工程教职工人数: 12人

圣母大学 (IN)

地点:印第安纳州圣母院、美国新闻最佳工程学院总体排名: 48(并列)、专攻航空航天的工程研究生百分比:未提供、航空工程教员人数:未提供


地点:洛杉矶、US News 最佳工程学校总体排名: 15、专攻航空航天的工程研究生百分比:未提供、航空工程教员人数:未提供


地点:加利福尼亚州拉霍亚、US News 最佳工程学校总体排名: 10(并列)、专攻航空航天的工程研究生百分比: 1.5%、航空工程教职工人数: 12人


地点:明尼阿波利斯、US News 最佳工程学院总体排名: 41(并列)、专攻航空航天的工程专业研究生百分比: 4.8%、航空工程教职工人数: 19


地点:西雅图、US News 最佳工程学院总体排名: 24(并列)、专攻航空航天的工程专业研究生百分比: 6.8%、航空工程教职工人数: 21人


地点:宾夕法尼亚大学公园、US News 最佳工程学院总体排名: 32、专攻航空航天的工程专业研究生百分比: 4.7%、航空工程教职工人数: 29人


地点:马里兰大学公园、US News 最佳工程学院总体排名: 21(并列)、专攻航空航天的工程专业研究生百分比: 7.8%、航天工程教职工人数: 48人


外国的制度和国内不同的 不存在那么多问题
不存在你考虑的那些问题 所以他们说没问题应该就是没问题


就算是国内现在也可以戴眼镜了 国外的…………

航天系统工程 航空学 就是专业课程了

读大学和考飞行在国内有小点区别 国外真不大清楚
不然教练会拒绝教你 然后拖时间(说你语言需要培训 - -!拖得都是银子啊)


但是如果学驾驶 不一定有本科 虽然国内是本科但国外不好说
进入公司主要看执照 分别是 私照 商照 仪表等级 航线4个执照


五官端正、肤色好、身体健康、身体匀称、性格开朗、举止端庄; 身高:女性:163cm-172cm,男性:170cm-182cm。 体重kg=(身高cm-110)+或-(身高cm-110)x10%。 视力:双眼矫正视力(E形表)上不低于4.8; 色觉嗅觉正常;面部、颈部手部无明显疤痕;



空军大学是美国空军的高级学术中心,负责空军所有院校的管理工作和授予最高学位。空军的院校教育由空军教育与训练司令部通过空军大学和第2、第19航空队分别组织实施。新兵训练和空军各专业的技术训练由第2航空队下辖的4个训练联队负责;各级指挥军官和工程技术人员的深造教育由空军大学各院校负责。 Air University, headquartered at Maxwell Air Force Base, Ala., is a major component of Air Education and Training Command and is the Air Force’s center for professional military education.空军大学,总部设在麦克斯韦空军基地,阿拉巴马州,是一个重要的组成部分,空中教育与训练司令部,并在空军的中心,为专业军事教育。
Air University provides the full spectrum of Air Force education, from pre-commissioning to the highest levels of professional military education, including degree granting and professional continuing education for officers, enlisted and civilian personnel throughout their careers.空军大学提供了全谱的空军教历山迅育,从学前教育委托,以最高级别的专业军事教育,包括学位授予与专业继续教育人员,士兵和民事人员在其整个职业生涯。唯竖 The university's Professional Military Education (PME) programs educate airmen on the capabilities of air and space power and its role in national security.该大学的专业军事教育( pme结合) ,教育节目,对飞行员的能力,空中和空间力量,它的作用在国家安全。 These programs focus on the knowledge and abilities needed to develop, employ, command, and support air and space power at the highest levels.这些节目侧重于知识和能力,需要发展,聘用,指挥,并支持空中和空间力量在最高级别。 Specialized Professional Continuing Education (PCE) programs provide scientific, technological, managerial, and other professional expertise to meet the needs of the Air Force.专业继续教育(四氯乙烯)计划提供科学,技术,管理和其他专业知识,以满足他们的需要,空军。 Air University conducts research in air and space power, education, leadership, and management.空军大学进行的研究,在空中与空间力量,肢此教育,在领导,管理。 The university also provides citizenship programs and contributes to the development and testing of Air Force doctrine, concepts and strategy.该大学还提供了公民身份的程序,并有助于开发和测试的空军学说,概念和策略。
The Wright Brothers established the first U.S. civilian flying school in Montgomery in 1910.莱特兄弟建立了第一个美国民用飞行学院后,在蒙哥马利在1910年。 By the 1920s, Montgomery became an important link in the growing system of aerial mail service.由1920年,蒙哥马利成为一个重要的环节,越来越多的制度空中电子邮件服务。 It was in the early 1930s when the Army Air Corps Tactical School moved to Maxwell and Montgomery became the country's intellectual center for airpower education.这是在1930年代初,当陆军航空战术学校搬到麦克斯韦和蒙哥马利成为国家的智力中心airpower教育。
Air University, established in 1946, continues the proud tradition of educating tomorrow's planners and leaders, in air and space power for the Air Force, other branches of the U.S. Armed Forces, federal government civilians and many international organizations.空军大学,成立于1946年,延续了光荣传统教育,明天的策划者和领导人,在空中与空间力量,为空军,其他科的美军部队,联邦政府平民和许多国际组织的代表。 Today, AU has a reach worldwide affecting the careers of every Air Force member.今天,非盟已达到全世界的影响择业的每一名空军部队成员。
更多空军大学的历史 more History
The university's primary operating locations are concentrated on three main installations.大学的主要操作地点均集中于三个主要设施。 Most AU programs are at Maxwell AFB in northwest Montgomery, Ala.; some are across town at Maxwell's Gunter Annex; and one is located at Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio.最凹节目是在麦克斯韦尔空军基地,在西北蒙哥马利,阿拉巴马州,有些是跨城市,在麦克斯韦的冈特附件一和一门是位于赖特-帕特森空军基地,俄亥俄州。 Although AU draws students from throughout the Department of Defense and from the military forces of other nations, its mission is more easily described in terms of the two main groups it's primarily organized to serve: U.S. Air Force commissioned officers and enlisted members.虽然凹提请学生来自全国各地由国防部和来自军队的力量,其他国家,它的任务是比较容易描述的条件主要有两个团体,它的主要是有组织的服务:美国空军委托的军官并招募成员。
Air University institutions at Maxwell include Air War College; Air Command and Staff College; Squadron Officer College; College of Aerospace Doctrine, Research and Education; Ira C. Eaker College for Professional Development; School for Advanced Air and Space Studies, Air Force Officer Accession and Training Schools; Community College of the Air Force; and several other support organizations.空军大学院校在麦克斯韦包括空气战争学院;空中指挥和参谋学院;中队军官学院;学院航空航天学说,研究和教育;共和军长eaker学院专业发展学校为先进的航空和航天研究,空军军官加入和培训学校,社区学院,空军及其他几位支持组织。 AU also supports the Civil Air Patrol.非盟也支持民间空中巡逻。 Additionally, at Gunter Annex, AU manages the College for Enlisted Professional Military Education, which includes the Air Force Senior Noncommissioned Officer Academy and the Air Force Institute for Advanced Distributed Learning.此外,在冈特附件,凹管理学院邀请专业军事教育,其中包括空军的高级士官学院和空军学院高级分布式学习。 Support for the AU organizations on Maxwell/Gunter is provided by 42nd Air Base Wing, the host organization.支持非盟组织对麦克斯韦/冈特是由第42空军基地联队,所在国的组织。 Another important part of AU is the Air Force Institute of Technology located at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio.另一个重要的一部分,非盟是空军技术学院位于赖特-帕特森空军基地,俄亥俄州。
College for Enlisted Professional Military Education 学院邀请专业军事教育
The College for Enlisted Professional Military Education at Gunter is responsible for the instructional programs and faculty development for all Air Force Enlisted Professional Military Education Programs.该学院为入伍的专业军事教育冈特负责教学计划和学院的发展,为所有空军士兵的专业军事教育课程。 This includes the Airman Leadership Schools, Noncommissioned Officer Academies and the Air Force Senior Noncommissioned Officer Academy.这包括空军领导学校,士官院校和空军高级士官学院。
U.S. Air Force Senior Noncommissioned Officer Academy 美空军高级士官学院
The Air Force Senior Noncommissioned Officer Academy graduates more than 1,800 chief master sergeant selects, senior master sergeants, selected master sergeants, and sister service and international senior NCOs annually.空军高级士官学院的毕业生超过1800人,行政掌握警长选择,高级船长警长,选定主警长和妹妹服务和国际高级士官,每年的。
Noncommissioned Officer Academies 士官院校
The NCO Academies provide selected noncommissioned officers quality professional military education to more efficiently and effectively develop and fulfill their responsibilities in the world’s best air and space fighting force.该士官院校提供选定了士官素质的专业军事教育,以更有效率和更有效地制定和履行他们的责任,在世界上最好的空中和太空作战能力的基础。 The objective is for the student to gain an understanding of their positions in the military structure and the need to develop the skills necessary for effectiveness in those supervisory positions.目的是为学生,以了解他们的立场,在军事结构和需要制定必要的技能,为效力于那些监督职位。
Squadron Officer College 中队干事学院
The Squadron Officer College is designed to educate company grade officers on the basic concepts of modern-day air and space warfare and essentials of military leadership.中队干事学院是旨在教育公司职系人员,对基本概念,现今空气和太空战与要领的军事领导才能。 Commissioned as an AU college in February 2000, SOC is composed of two educational schools: the Air and Space Basic Course and Squadron Officer School.委托作为一个凹学院于2000年2月,系统芯片组成的两个教育的学校为:空气和空间基础课和中队军官学校。
Air and Space Basic Course 航空和航天基础课
ASBC is a six-week program organized to teach second lieutenants the essential concepts of how the Air Force prosecutes aerial wars. asbc是一项为期6周的节目安排,教导第二助手的基本概念如何空军控告空中战争。 A new addition to the program is a five-day combined operations period with the Senior Noncommissioned Officer Academy.新加入该计划是一个为期5天的联合作战期间与高级士官学院。 This integrated curriculum includes a focus on hands-on leadership skills, improved communication abilities and a better appreciation of both officer and enlisted force development issues.这种综合课程包括一个侧重于实际操作上的领导技能,改善沟通能力和更好地理解这两个军官和士兵力量的发展问题。
Squadron Officer School 中队军官学校
Squadron Officer School is designed to teach the essence of military leadership, air and space doctrine, international security issues, and communication skills.中队军官学校,旨在教导的精髓军事领导,空中和太空学说,是国际安全问题,以及沟通技巧。 Students are not only exposed to these new concepts, they are required to apply these lessons in a variety of complex experiential learning exercises.学生不仅接触到这些新的概念,他们必须运用这些经验教训,在各种复杂的经验学习演练。
Air Command and Staff College 空军指挥参谋学院
Air Command and Staff College is the Air Force’s intermediate professional military education school, prepares field grade officers of all services (primarily majors and major selects), international officers and U.S. civilians to assume positions of higher responsibility within the military and other government arenas.空军指挥和参谋学院,是空军的中级专业军事教育的学校,准备实地职系人员的所有服务(主要是专业和主要选择) ,国际官员和美国民众承担的立场,较高的责任在军队和其他政府阿里纳斯。 Geared toward teaching the skills necessary to conduct air and space operations in support of a joint campaign, ACSC focuses on shaping and molding tomorrow’s leaders and commanders.面向教学的技能,有必要进行空中和太空作战支援联合战役, acsc着重于塑造和塑造未来的领袖和指挥官。
Air War College 空军战争学院
Air War College is the senior school in the Air Force PME system.空军战争学院,是高中在空军pme结合的制度。 It educates selected senior officers to lead at the strategic level in the employment of air and space forces.它教导选定的高级官员带领,在战略层面上,在就业的空中和空间力量。 The curriculum focuses on coalition warfighting and national security issues, with emphasis on the effective employment of aerospace forces in joint and combined combat operations.课程着重于联合作战和国家安全问题,侧重于有效的就业航空航天力量的联合和联合作战行动。 Additionally, AWC provides the only open enrollment nonresident senior PME program in the Department of Defense.此外, awc提供了唯一的公开报名非在高级pme结合项目中的国防部门。
Air Force Officer Accession and Training Schools 空军官员的加入和培训学校
Air Force Officer Accession and Training Schools provides coordinated leadership and policy direction for the Air Force's officer recruiting training and commissioning programs at Officer Training School and at Air Force ROTC detachments.空军官员的加入和培训学校提供协调一致的领导和政策方向,为空军的人员招募培训和调试程序,在人员培训学校和空军rotc分队。 AFOATS also directs the Air Force's high school citizenship training program - Air Force Junior ROTC. afoats也指示空军的高中公民资格培训计划-空军初级r otc。
Reserve Officer Training Corps 预备役军官训练团
Air Force ROTC is the largest source of commissioned officers for the Air Force.空军rotc是最大来源的人员,为空军建设。 The organization's mission is to produce Air Force leaders and to build better citizens for America.该组织的使命是制作空军领导人,并建立更好的公民为美国。
Officer Training School 军官训练学校
Officer Training School is the flexible partner of Air Force commissioning programs.军官训练学校是灵活的合作伙伴的空军委托节目。 OTS provides two officer-training programs: Basic Officer Training and Commissioned Officer Training.在职培训计划提供了两个人员培训计划:基本军官训练,并委托军官训练。
Community College of the Air Force 社区学院的空军
The Community College of the Air Force is the only degree-granting institution of higher learning in the world dedicated exclusively to enlisted people.社区学院的空军是唯一有学位授予权的学府,在世界上专门为入伍的人。 CCAF offers unique opportunities for motivated, career-oriented active duty, Air National Guard and Air Force Reserve airmen and NCOs to earn a job-related, two-year undergraduate associate in applied science degree. ccaf提供了独特的机会为动机的,职业导向现役,国民警卫队空军和空军后备飞行员和士官,以赚取工作有关的,为期两年的准学士学位,在应用科学学士学位。 CCAF also facilitates selected professional certification and recognition for airmen. ccaf也便于选定的专业认证和识别进场。
Air Force Institute of Technology 空军技术学院
The Air Force Institute of Technology supports the Air Force and national defense through responsive degree-granting graduate and professional continuing education, research and consulting services to AF and DOD agencies.空军技术学院的支持,空军和国防透过顺应授予学位的研究生和专业继续教育,研究和咨询服务,以房颤和国防部的机构。 Graduate-level work offers carefully selected officers, AF civilians, and international officers the broad educational experience necessary for understanding the role of technology in national defense and in analyzing and solving defense-related problems.研究生层次的工作,提供精心挑选的人员,房颤是平民,国际人员的广泛的教育经验,有必要了解该技术的作用,在国防和分析和解决与国防有关的问题。
College of Aerospace Doctrine, Research and Education 学院航空航天学说,研究和教育
The College of Aerospace Doctrine, Research and Education advances theory and application of air and space power through professional continuing education, research and wargaming.学院航空航天学说,研究和教育的进步,理论与应用的空中和空间力量,通过专业继续教育,研究和wargaming 。
Ira C. Eaker College for Professional Development 爱尔兰共和军长eaker学院专业发展
The Ira C. Eaker College for Professional Development provides world-class professional continuing education and technical training to Air Force and other Department of Defense personnel and international officers.爱尔兰共和军长eaker学院,为专业发展提供世界级的专业继续教育和技术培训,以空军和其他国防部门的工作人员和国际人员。 It offers resident and distance-learning/exportable courses for chaplains; chaplain assistants; wing, group and on-scene commanders; military and civilian personnel and manpower managers; comptrollers, family support center personnel; judge advocates; paralegals; first sergeants; and historians.它提供了驻地和distance-learning/exportable课程牧师;牧师助理;荣,组和对现场指挥员的军事人员和文职人员和人力经理; comptrollers ,家庭支援中心的人员;法官主张;辅助;首次警长;历史学家。
International Officer School 国际军官学校
International Officer School supports professional military education by conducting five classes of six weeks duration each year to enhance international officers' understanding of the United States and to prepare them to attend Air War College, Air Command and Staff College or Squadron Officer College.国际军官学校支持的专业军事教育进行了5个班, 6个星期的时间,每年以加强国际间的人员'美国的认识,并作好准备,他们参加空军战争学院,空军指挥参谋学院或中队军官学院。
School of Advanced Air and Space Studies 学校先进的空中和空间研究
The School of Advanced Air and Space Studies produces tomorrow's senior military leaders who are experts in the employment of air and space forces.学校先进的航空和航天研究产生明天的高级军事领导人,他们是专家,在就业的空中和空间力量。 SAASS is an 11-month, follow-on school for selected graduates of intermediate-level DOD PME schools.扎斯是, 11个月后,对学校选定的毕业生中间层次国防部发表的pme结合学校。 SAASS educates strategists in the art and science of air and space warfare to enhance the Air Force's capacity to defend the United States through the control and exploitation of air and space.扎斯教育战略家们在艺术与科学的空中和太空战,以提高空军的能力,以保护美国通过控制和剥削的空中和空间。
Civil Air Patrol 民用空中巡逻
The Civil Air Patrol has its national headquarters at Maxwell.人防巡逻,有其全国总部在麦克斯韦。 Chartered by Congress as the official auxiliary of the Air Force, it is a private, nonprofit organization with three missions: emergency service, air and space education and conducting a cadet program.包机由国会批准为正式的辅助空军,它是一个私人的,非营利组织,有三项任务:紧急服务,空中和空间教育以及开展少年训练计划。
Air Force Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps 空军初级预备役军官训练团
Air Force Officer Accession and Training Schools also administers the Air Force Junior ROTC program.空军官员的加入和培训学校还负责管理空军初级rotc程式。 This program provides citizenship training and an air and space science program for high school youth.这一计划规定,公民资格培训和空中和太空科学计划,为高中青年。
Air Force Institute for Advanced Distributed Learning 空军学院的高级分布式学习
Air Force Institute for Advanced Distributed Learning is the Air Force focal point for implementation of advanced distributed learning policy and emerging ADL technology; the Executive Agent for the Air Force Extension Course Program, and the Executive Technology Network (ATN).空军学院的高级分布式学习是空军联络点,实施先进的分布式学习政策和新兴adl的技术;执行代理人,为空军延伸课程方案,并执行技术网( atn ) 。
Academic Support Services 学术支援服务
The Air University resident and distance education programs receive academic support from such organization as AU Registrar, AU Library, AU Press, AU Television, Air Force Enlisted Heritage Research Institute and AU Bookstore.空军大学驻地和远程教育节目接收学术支援等组织作为非盟书记官长,凹图书馆,坳新闻,凹电视,空军士兵文物研究所和凹书店发行。
Air University Library 空军大学图书馆
The premier library in the Department of Defense, the AU Library houses especially strong collections in the fields of warfighting, aeronautics, Air Force and DOD operations, military sciences, international relations, education, leadership and management.总理图书馆在国防部门,非盟图书馆房子特别坚强收藏在各个领域的作战,航空,空军和国防部的行动,军事科学,国际关系,教育,领导和管理。 Bearing the name of Gen. Muir S. Fairchild, the founder and first commander of AU, the library serves as the focal point of faculty and student research, holding more than 2.9 million items.轴承的名称上将遇到了美国飞兆半导体,创始人和第一指挥官坳,图书馆作为着力点,老师和学生的研究,拥有超过290万美元的项目。
Air University Television 空军大学电视
Operating under the chief of information technology, Air University Television – a video-production facility for DOD and Air Force projects – provides dedicated television services to the university's professional military education and professional continuing education courses.经营下,行政信息技术,空军大学电视-电视生产设施可供国防部和空军项目-致力于提供电视服务,该大学的专业军事教育和专业继续教育课程。

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以上,就是蜕变学习网小编给大家带来的美国大学航空管理专业介绍 美国有哪些大学开设航空航天专业?其中的专业素养真...全部内容,希望对大家有所帮助!




