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武汉大学外国语言文学学院位于湖北省武汉市武昌区珞珈山盯租,学院有着悠久的历史和光荣的传统,其院史可追溯至1893年创办的“自强学堂”和 1902年建立的“方言学堂”。许多著名专家学者和革命家,如陈潭秋、朱光潜、叶君健等曾在此执教或学习。1952年院系调整后,设立俄文系,并于 1958年正式更名为外文系,设俄、英语两个本科专业。1972年又增设法、德、日语等三个专业。如今的外语学院成立于1990年,是全国重点综合性大学中的第一所。2000年新武汉大学成立后,原武汉水利电力大学、武汉测绘科技大学、湖北医科大学的相关专业融入其中,使外语学院在学术水平、师资力量、图书资料、教学设备等方面得到了进一步充实与发展。



系主任:朱宾忠 副系主任:马 萧、邓鹂鸣 、汪涛
教授:李庆生、刘军平、任晓晋、周保国、胡孝申、胡晓红、刘世平、 马 萧、朱宾忠、 邓鹂鸣


Wuhan is the capital of Hubei province, People's Republic of China, and is the most populous city in central China. It lies at the east of Jianghan Plain, and the intersection of the middle reaches of the Yangtze and Han River. Arising out of the conglomeration of three boroughs, Wuchang, Hankou, and Hanyang, Wuhan is known as "the nine provinces' leading thoroughfare"; it is a major transportation hub, with dozens of railways, roads and expressways passing through the city. The city of Wuhan, first termed as such in 1927, has a population of approximately 9,100,000 people (2006), with about 6,100,000 residents in its urban area. In the 1920s, Wuhan was the capital of a leftist Kuomintang (KMT) government led by Wang Jingwei in opposition to Chiang Kai-shek, now Wuhan is recognized as the political, economic, financial, cultural, educational and transportation center of central China.

Replica instruments of ancient originals are played at the Hubei Provincial Museum. A replica set of bronze concert bells is in the background and a set of stone chimes is to the rightWuchang has the largest lake within a city in China, the East Lake, as well as the South Lake.
The Hubei Provincial Museum includes many artifacts excavated from ancient tombs, including a concert bell set (bianzhong). A dance and orchestral show is frequently performed here, using reproductions of the original instruments.
The Rock and Bonsai Museum includes a mounted platybelodon skeleton, many unique stones, a quartz crystal the size of an automobile, and an outdoor garden with miniature trees in the penjing ("Chinese Bonsai") style.
Jiqing Street holds many roadside restaurants and street performers during the evening, and is the site of a Live Show with stories of events on this street by contemporary writer Chi Li.
The Lute Platform in Hanyang was where the legendary musician Yu Boya is said to have played. According to the story of zhiyin Yu Boya played for the last time over the grave of his friend Zhong Ziqi, then smashed his lute because the only person able to appreciate his music was dead.[citation needed]
Some luxury riverboat tours begin here after a flight from Beijing or Shanghai, with several days of flatland cruising and then climbing through the Three Gorges with passage upstream past the Gezhouba and Three Gorges dams to the city of Chongqing. With the completion of the dam a number of cruises now start from the upstream side and continue west, with tourists traveling by motor coach from Wuhan.
The Yellow Crane Tower (Huanghelou) is presumed to have been first built in approximately 220 AD. The tower has been destroyed and reconstructed numerous times, was burned last according to some sources in 1884. The tower underwent complete reconstruction in 1981. The reconstruction utilized modern materials and added an elevator, while maintaining the traditional design in the tower's outward appearance.
Popular foods

Doupi on the left and Re-gan mian on the rightHot and Dry Noodles, Re-gan mian (热干面) consists of long freshly boiled noodles mixed with sesame paste. The Chinese word re means hot and gan means dry. It is considered to be the most typical local food for breakfast.
Duck's Neck or Ya Bozi (鸭脖子) is a local version of this popular Chinese dish, made of duck necks and spices.
Bean Pan or Doupi (豆皮)is a popular local dish with a filling of egg, rice, beef, mushrooms and beans cooked between two large round soybean skins and cut into pieces, structurally like a stuffed pizza without enclosing edges.
Soup dumpling or Xiaolongbao(小笼包)is a kind of dumpling with thin skin made of flour, steamed with very juicy meat inside, it is called Tang (soup) Bao (bun), because every time one takes a bite from it the soup inside spills out.
Salty Doughnut or Mianwo (面窝) is a kind of doughnut with salty taste. It's much thinner than common doughnut, and is a typical Wuhan local food.



Wuhan University is a key university directly under the administration of the Education Ministry of the People's Republic of China. It is located in Hubei Province's capital Wuhan known as "The thoroughfare leading to nine provinces". The university has rolling physical features with the scenic Luojia Hill in it and the beautiful East Lake by its side, seeming in picturesque disorder. Its campus is wooded and green, and has fragrant flowers everywhere all the year round, the buildings are in special architectural styles, magnificent and mansion-looking. For the above reasons, Wuhan University is widely known as one of the most beautiful universities in the world.

The university dates back to Ziqiang Institute, which was founded in 1893 by Zhang Zhidong, governor of Hubei and Hunan Provinces in late Qing Dynasty after his memorial to the throne was approved by the Qing Government. Later, it changed its name several times before it was named National Wuhan University in July 1928. During the War of Resistance Against Japan, Wuhan University moved to Leshan, Sichuan Province and returned to Luojia Hill after the victory of the war. By the end of 1946, the university had six colleges, i.e., the colleges of liberal arts, law, sciences, engineering, agriculture and medicine. Wuhan University had a glorious revolutionary tradition and enjoyed a very high academic status, with Wang Shijie, Wang Xinggong and Zhou Gengsheng as its successive presidents. Zhou Enlai, Dong Biwu, Chen Tanqiu, Deng Yingchao and Luo Ronghuan, et al. were once engaged one after another in revolutionary activities here, while a great number of well-known scholars like Gu Hongming, Zhu Kezhen, Wu Baoliang, Zha Qian, Gui Zhiting, Ye Yage, Li Siguang, Wen Yiduo, Huang Kan, Yu Dafu, Shen Congwen, Zhu Guangqian, Liu Ze, Liu Yongji, Ye Shengtao, Yang Duanliu and Li Jiannong taught here successively. In 1948, Oxford University of Britain wrote an official letter to the Ministry of Education of the Chinese National Government, confirming that bachelors of liberal arts and sciences graduated from Wuhan University and with average grades above 80 could enjoy "the senior status of Oxford".

Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, the Chinese Communist Party and the Government have attached great importance to Wuhan University. Mao Zedong, Ye Jianying, Peng Dehuai, Zhang Wentian, Lu Dingyi and others had inspectioned the university personally. In 1952, after a general reshuffle of the colleges and departments of the higher educational institutions throughout the country, Wuhan University became a key university of liberal arts and sciences directly under the administration of the Ministry of Higher Education. Professor Li Da, Delegate to the First Congress of the Chinese Communist Party and a celebrated philosopher, economist and academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, held the post of president of the university for 14 years, during which the quality of teaching and the level of scientific research were further enhanced.

Since the start of China's reform and open policy, the university has achieved the -world's-attention-attracting achievements through its courageous reforming, opening up, and advancing in every aspect.

Approved by the State Council, was founded on August 2nd, 2000 the new Wuhan University----an amalgamation of the original Wuhan University, Wuhan University of Hydraulic and Electrical Engineering, Wuhan Technical University of Surveying and Mapping, and Hubei Medical University. The new Wuhan University (named Wuhan University hereinafter) has a vast range of prospects of development because it is a combination of 4 first-rate universities in China or in the province(Three are China's key universities of "211 Project", and one is key one of Hubei Province), whose favorable opportunities, terrain and the union arising from the fore out of Chinese universities and colleges. Wuhan University of Hydraulic and Electrical Engineering was the country's best university of comprehensive strength, Wuhan Technical University of Surveying and Mapping was the best university with the disciplines of survey and cartography in the world, Hubei Medical University was the province's one key medical university as was established before 1949 and has kept developing until now.The university is a natural whole with the discipcins of philosophy, economics, law, education. Literature, history, sciences, engineering, agriculture, medicine and management, 45,000-odd students including 12,000-odd postgraduates. It has been authorized by the State Council to set up graduate schools,with 143 doctoral degrees and 217 master programs ,15 post doc circulation stations.Another 20 have been evaluated as state-level key disciplines, and 20 are listed as "211 Project" key discipline to be constructed by the State.

The university now has 5,000-odd teachers, including 3,000-odd professes and associate professors, 570-odd doctorate supervisors, 4 academicians of chinese Academy of sciences,5 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, 2 academicians of the international Eurasian Academy of Sciences. The university has also 22 discipline offering "the Changjiang River program awarding scholars" for the posts of the special appointed professors.

During the past 10 years, Wuhan University completed thousands of natural sciences research projects,among which many reached international advanced levels,many won various awards including 40-odd ministerial or provincial awards each year.Time and again,the university has been on the list of top ten University in China for patent application and SCI citation.Through making its scientific research achievements serve the country's economic construction,the university has become a creation base uniting teaching,research and production.In the domain of social sciences and human studies,the university ever has its own traditional superiority with national, ministerial and provincial awards on the top among Chinese Universities. It twice got the 2nd place in the national appraisals of the excellent achievements in humanities and social sciences research in the years of 1995 and 1998. Recently a great number of achievements with even greater application value emerged,contributing a great deal to China's economic construction and social progress.

Wuhan University boasts a campus which covers an area of 5508 mu and it has a floorage of 2.42 million square metres. There are large modernized teaching buildings, laboratory buildings, gymnasiums, sports grounds, swimming pools, archive buildings, and a specimen building with more then 200,000 piees of valuable animal and plant specimens. The university's libraries have a collection of approximately 5.2 million volumes, subscribe to more then 10,000 kinds of Chinese and foreign periodicals, are the central-China canter officially decided for the "211 Project" documents--ensuring system of the Chinese universities and colleges. It now has two key State-level laboratories,three State-level discipline laboratories, two State-level research centers in engineering, six national research bases for humanities and social sciences, and seven national bases for fostering basic science personnel. Over twenty academic periodicals, Wuhan University Journal included, are published by the university, which has its own presses including an audiovisual material publishing house, colleges of foreign students education and adult education, East Lake branch school, and three attached hospitals which are all of first-class according to the official standard.

During the last ten years the university sent abroad thounds of members of different kinds under various programs, invited 300 hundred famous foreign scholars and political personages to be its part-time professors, honorary professors or guest professors, and established relations of academic cooperation and exchanges with 200-odd universities, colleges and scientific research institutions in more then 60 countries and regions.

During the past 100-odd years after its founding, Wuhan University gradually developed a fine school spirit and study style of its own, i.e., "improve oneself, promote perseverance, seek truth and make innovations", emphasis is laid on actively meeting the needs of social development, incessantly reforming its pattern of personnel training and bringing up high-level professional talents of all-round development of morality, intelligence and physique. Since 1978, Wuhan University, bathed in the spring breeze of reform and opening-up, and with a view to fostering talents at a quicker pace and in greater number, has taken the lead among all the higher educational institutions nationwide in implementing the tutorial system and the systems of credit, major minor courses, double degrees and joining a class in the middle of the course, thus bringing up a great number of outstanding talents for the society. To encourage the students to stand out in their studies, the university has instituted the systems of graduating ahead of schedule and recommending master degree candidates and doctorate candidates without examination, and has put into practice the system of streaming graduate students at midterm. The university has founded 100-odd kinds of scholarships with a total value of 10 million-odd yuan awarding about 35 percent of the students. In its history of the past 100-odd years, the university has brought up for the country over 0.28 million specialized personnel of various kinds, who are playing or have played an important part in various domains and fronts, and many of whom have become the pillars of society.

The university's course over the past 100 years has been closely bound up with the prosperity and decline of the motherland. It always has regarded China's rejuvenation as its own responsibility and has been making contributions to the prosperity of China and the progress of mankind. On the occasion of its centennial celebration in 1993, Jiang Zemin, Li Peng and other Party and State leaders presented their inscriptions of congratulations, while 47 colleges and universities aboard including Harvard University, Yale University, and Tokyo University as well as various fraternal colleges and universities at home either sent representatives to attend the celebration or sent us letter of congratulations. In November 1995, Wuhan University was listed as one of China's most celebrated universities by Science, an authoritative periodical in the international scientific field. In the meantime, the university also successfully passed the preliminary qualification assessment for "211 Project" and was included in the priority project for the development of national key universities. In 1999, Wuhan University was fixed by the Chinese central authorities as a university whose heads enjoy the (same) position of a vice-minister of the State Council. On February 13th 2001, the Education Ministry and the Leadership of Hubei Province decided to make efforts jointly in order to build Wuhan University into a "high-level university well known both at home and abroad".

Benefited from the brilliant achievements achieved during the past hundred years, the four universities' cream and the new favorable opportunities of development, and stimulated by the new challenge, Wuhan University is working hard for building a number of disciplines with the first-rate levels in the world, bring development in the relevant discipline circles of the world, achieving a large number of achievements in basic theoretical and high-technological studies, which are important, creative and even epoch-making, and fostering quite many personnel having high qualities and original ideas. By the year of 2010, it will be built into a high-level university well known both at home and abroad as well as a main force for vitalizing China and Hubei through science and education. On this basis, still greater efforts are to be make to raise the teaching, scientific research and every other work of the university to international advanced levels so that the university can enjoy high position and great prestige in the international academic circles before the middle twenty-first century when Wuhan University will be built into a first-rate university of the world.

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Wuhan, composed of the three towns of Wuchang, Hankou, and Hanyang, is the capital of Hubei Province. The three towns, separated by the Yangtze and Hanshui rivers,a re linked by bridges, and because these municipalities are so closely connected by waterways, Wuhan is also called the "city on rivers." Being the largest inland port on the middle reaches of the Yangtze River and a major stop on the Beijing-Guangzhou Railway, Wuhan is one of China‘s most important hubs of water and rail transportation and communications.
Wuhan has an old history and rich cultural traditions. It began to prosper as a commercial town about two thousand years ago, when it was called Yingwuzhou (Parrot beach). From the first century to the beginning of the third century, the towns of Hanyang and Wuchang began to take shape. During the Song Dynasty (960-1279), the area became one of the most prosperous commercial centers along the Yangtze River. By the end of the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), Hankou had become one of the four most famous cities in China. Today, Wuhan is the political, economic, and cultural center of Central China. It boasts of one of China‘s leading iron and steel complexes -- the Wuhan Iron and Steel Corporation. Wuhan is also a city with a strong revolutionary tradition


武汉大学的英文简介:Wuhan University is a key university directly under the administration of the Education Ministry of the People's Republic of China. It is located in Hubei Province's capital Wuhan known as "The thoroughfare leading to nine provinces". The university has rolling physical features with the scenic Luojia Hill in it and the beautiful East Lake by its side, seeming in picturesque disorder. Its campus is wooded and green, and has fragrant flowers everywhere all the year round, the buildings are in special architectural styles, magnificent and mansion-looking. For the above reasons, Wuhan University is widely known as one of the most beautiful universities in the world.


武汉大学(Wuhan University),简称“武大”,是一所位于湖北武汉市的中神肆国重点综合研究型大学,其办学源头溯源于清朝末期1893年湖广总督张之洞奏请清政府创办的自强学堂,是近代中国建立最早的国立大学,已有一百多年历史。1913年为六大国立高师之一的国立武昌高等师范学校, 1926年更名为国立第二中山大学,1928年定名国立武汉大学,是民国四大名校之一。1949年更名武汉大学沿用至今。


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