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大学专业介绍英文版 国外大学的学前教育专业英文介绍

今天蜕变学习网小编整理了大学专业介绍英文版 国外大学的学前教育专业英文介绍相关信息,希望在这方面能够更好的帮助到考生及家长。

今天蜕变学习网小编整理了大学专业介绍英文版 国外大学的学前教育专业英文介绍,希望在这方面能够更好的帮助到考生及家长。


Preschool education (or infant education) is the provision of learning to children before the commencement of statutory and obligatory education, usually between the ages of zero and three or five, depending on the jurisdiction.

In the United Kingdom nursery school (or 'playgroup') is the form of preschool education. In the United States the terms 'preschool' and 'Pre-K' are used, while "nursery school" is an older term.

Preschool work is organized within a framework that professional educators create. The framework includes structural (administration, class size, student–teacher ratio, services, etc.), process (quality of classroom environments, teacher-child interactions, etc.), and alignment (standards, curriculum, assessments) components that are associated with each individual unique child that has both social and academic outcomes. At each age band, an appropriate curriculum should be followed. For example, it would be normal to teach a child how to count to 10 after the age of four.[1] Arguably the first pre-school institution was opened in 1816 by Robert Owen in New Lanark, Scotland.[2][3][4] The Hungarian countess Theresa Brunszvik followed in 1828.[5][6] In 1837, Friedrich Fröbel opened one in Germany, coining the term "kindergarten".

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大学里面的“专业”翻译成英文:specialty ; profession

专业英语 Specialty English ; Specialized English ; Professional English ; English for Mechanics

法律专业 legal profession ; LAW ; personal statement ; ZBF

专业伦理 professional ethics


(学校学科分类)specialized subject; special field of study; speciality; discipline:

The department offers four specialities.


参考资料: 【专业升敏】英语怎么说-有道词典

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以上,就是蜕变学习网小编给大家带来的大学专业介绍英文版 国外大学的学前教育专业英文介绍全部内容,希望对大家有所帮助!




