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今天蜕变学习网小编整理了国外大学专业英文介绍 求一所国外大学的简介【英文】附带中文翻译。不需要...,希望在这方面能够更好的帮助到考生及家长。





Bachelor of Business 商务本科

入学要求: 雅思6.5 写作分不侍慧低于6.0;相当于12年级毕业

Course structure

Students must complete 144 credit points, comprising eight foundation core subjects (48 credit points), and a standard stream (96 credit points) or an extended major stream (96 credit points). The standard stream comprises a major (48 credit points), and either a second major (48 credit points), or two sub-majors (24 credit points each), or a single sub-major (24 credit points) in conjunction with elective subjects (24 credit points). The extended major stream comprises an extended major (72 credit points), and a sub-major (24 credit points) or elective subjects (24 credit points).

Electives or structured elective sequences (totalling 24 credit points) can be taken from any faculty in the University, or from another university or its equivalent, with UTS: Business approval.

Master of Business Administration. 商务本科硕士

入学要求: 雅思6.5 写作分不低于6.0;本科毕业, GPA 2.75 (4.0); 不及格的科目不能超过10%, 至少4年的相关工作经验

Master of Business in Management.

入学要求: 雅思6.5 写作分不低于6.0;本科毕业, 相关专业, 如果之前不是相关专业学历, 则至少要2年相关工作经验

Course structure

The Master of Business in Management totals 72 credit points and consists of a combination of core and elective subjects.



大学课程介绍 翻译为英文滑或

Ideological and Moral Cultivation of this course is to Marxi *** -Lenini *** , Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory and "Three Represents"败让喊 as guidance, outlook on life, values, ethics ecation, the main line, ecate and guide students to strengthen their own ideological and moral cultivation and improve ideological and moral quality of an ideological and political ecation programs. Contents: meet the goal of college life and establish a talent; good psychological quality; correctly deal with friendship and love; establish a correct outlook on life and values; cultivate good moral character; carry forward the national spirit; efforts to achieve prehensive human development.

Mao Zedong Thought "察野Mao Zedong Thought," a basic course. Main content includes three parts: First, General remarks, mainly discusses the meaning of Mao Zedong Thought, the resulting social and historical conditions and the proction, maturation and development of the historical process; o basic elements of Mao Zedong Thought; third live Mao Zedong Thought the soul, this part is the focus of the course.

Journal of College Chinese "College Language" is my Liberal Arts class, economics, engineering students of all public courses. The course through the literary forms of Chinese language and culture heritage and teaching content can be summarized as their appreciation of reading, literary knowledge, linguistic knowledge in three aspects.

Computer Culture This course is required course. Through this course, students master basic puter knowledge, basic concepts and basic skills, taking into account the use of utility sofare and puter application in the field of cutting-edge knowledge and proficiency for students learning to use puters and to further lay the foundation for puter-related knowledge.

Basic course of law is the legal basis for university students an ideological and moral lesson. Legal basis for the course to train students as the core of socialist legal consciousness of the socialist legal ecation students courses to enhance their legal awareness.

Marxist political economics students of the course is public and political theory, mainly related to the creation of Marxist political economy and scientific status of Marxi *** and political economy study, research tasks and research methods, ality of labor theory, the general modity economy law theory of surplus value, capital circulation and the flow theory and the reproction of social capital theory, the essence of socialist proction relations and the economic system of the socialist market economic system and economic performance, economic globalization and international relations and so on.

Computer language to program design of this course is the main line to C language modeled, introcing the basic concepts and C language programming ideas and methods to train students using C language to *** yze and solve simple practical problems.

International trade theory and practice of international trade theory and practice is a required course for students of Finance and Economics, is one of understanding and knowledge of the basic theory of international trade and international sale of goods introctory course in basic skills. This course by the "international trade theory" and "International Trade Practice," posed of o courses. "International trade theory" is to study international trade and development, and reveal the characteristics and movement rules and disciplines. International Trade is a major study of international modity exchange for the specific process discipline, which also has the characteristics of foreign-related activities, practical application of highly integrated science.

Enterprise and Enterprise System This course introces the major schools of modern business theory, mainstream *** ysis and research methods; will bine modern theory of the firm growth of China's enterprise reform and development of practice here; master the forefront of the development of modern business theory and its development trends; enterprise system, divided into o main lines: First, set the height of the modern theory of the national economy, internal governance structure, government-enterprise relationship management system, technical progress mechani *** , M & A mechani *** of macroscopic, systemic problem; Second, for the Chinese state-owned enterprises, collective enterprises, joint-stock cooperative enterprises, private enterprises such as the specific status of different types, to *** yze and study the modern enterprise system reform in the face of difficulties and operational problems.

Instrial Economics, "Instrial Economics" course is a four-year undergraate students for the College of Business Administration Applied Economics offered public courses. The main content of this course theory of instrial anization, instrial structure theory, theory of instrial distribution, instrial policy and instrial economics of the frontier issues.





Phoics of Mandarin
Mandarin is a form of language that is based on and formed from northern Chinese dialects. It is the standard form of Chinese language. Currently, mandarin is used in all forms of media including broadcasting and television.
Radio Broadcasting and Hosting
Learn how to bee a qualified broadcaster or an air host. Learn how to handle programmes with different styles, different themes and different characteristics. Make use of the broadcasting system to convey messages to the audience.
Think Like a Host
Learn how to interact and municate with audience as a host for broadcasting or television programmes. Learn how to cultivate critical thinking skills, to adopt humorous munication stlyles,and to provide witty answers. These skills will make your programme more innovative and insightful.

Television Broadcasting and Hosting
Learn how to host a good television programme. Learn how to adjust attire,language,behavior and emotions to suit the style of the programme. Practice how to present the programme in front of cameras using verbal and body languages.





Higher mathematics;
Linear algebra;
Probability theory and mathematical statistics;
Mathematical economics;
International Trade


Communication engineering specialty
Primary students more solid mathematics, physics and puter application ability, grasps the munication and puter knowledge of posite, Systematically master circuit theory of signal and system, the principle of the puter and munications, digital munication neork theory and the basic theory and technology, With the telemunications equipment system *** ysis, design, testing, use, maintenance and management ability, Preliminary to master a foreign language, can read specialized successfully foreign books.

Introction: the puter culture,
This course is closely bined application of puter technology, the latest development, the paper systematically introces the concept, basic puter work principle. Main contents: the puter basic knowledge, 2000Professional Windows operating system, Word processing sofare Word 2000, electronic form Excel 2000, PowerPoint 2000, PowerPoint forenglish neork etc.
, sports:
This course aims at enhancing students' concept, function of sports, purpose and mission, strengthen the understanding of students' physique. Introces the football, basketball, volleyball, table tennis, badminton and wushu movement project of theoretical knowledge, and the corresponding field training.
Van university physics:
This course on physics of the basic concept, the basic theory of parative system. Contents include: Newtonian mechanics and relativity based, thermal and mechanical vibration, and wave, electromagic wave optics and quantum physics foundation etc.
, linear algebra:
This course is designed to make students master the basic knowledge of linear algebra, establish the concept of engineering mathematics. Contents include: determinant, matrix and its operation, the matrix of the elementary transformation and linear equations, vector linear correlation matrix, and the second type, linear space and linear transformation, etc.
This course systematically introces the related knowledge of mathematics, designed for subsequent courses offer a theoretical basis. Main contents include: integral, three-dimensional *** ytic geometry, series and differential equation, etc.
C. program design.
This course mainly using C language program aims to cultivate students' reading methods, proceres and programming ability. Main contents include: C, algorithm data types and expression and function, and the simple programming pointer.
The basic principles of marxi *** , introction:
This course is an introction to the basic principle of marxi *** , the main contents include: marxist philosophy, the formation of capitali *** and sociali *** essence, and the development of three aspects.
, college English
This course aims to real scene, authentic language and diversity of practice to improve students' oral English ability. Contents include: the literacy tutorials, listening course and the prehensive training, prehensive training in listening, speaking, reading, writing and translation ability.

大学课程介绍 翻译成英文

(MIS Management Information System (MIS) is a required course in Economics and Management professionals. The courses include the concept of management information systems, structure and foundation for the establishment of management information systems, management information systems development methodologies, management information systems development process at all stages of the task and technology, management information system development environment and tools, and other types of information systems.
Management Model Management Model algorithm design and quantitative factors is the management methods through the application of scientific aid management decisions and a science.
Technical economics and project evaluation techniques to introce the basic theory of economics, the basic method and the basic skills and decision-making early in the project application.
Deng Xiaoping Theory, this course is open to undergraate students as a required course. Aimed at the students understanding of socialist theory and socialist practice of ecation.
Organizational design "anizational design" is based on economics, management science as a guide, designed for enterprise anizations a discipline system. Organizational design, including the meaning and objectives, anizational design and the content and methods; enterprise anizations such as the design of the framework of the system.
Market *** ysis of this course include: market forecast cognitive ability; survey design capacity; information-gathering capabilities; survey data collection and *** ysis capabilities; market *** ysis.
Credit Management, "Credit Management" introces the basic principles of corporate credit, corporate credit *** ysis and credit management, theory and practice of corporate credit rating, business credit reports and credit services instry, credit management system and legal system of credit, credit risk *** ysis measurement techniques content.
Internship This course studies the proction and use of simulation in teaching business management principles, methods, know and master the practical skills, process and application.)

求一篇斯坦福大学的英文介绍,例如 地址,历史,文化,课程等。谢谢

Stanford University - Basic Overview
Stanford University was founded in 1885. At that time, the California railroad magnate, has served as governor of California in memory of the old Leland Stanford, he traveled in Italy when his son died of infection, the decision to donate money to set up in Palo Alto, Stanford University, and his British亩用 train 8180 excellent species of horse racing out of the farm as a school campus. Their decision for the future of California and the United States has brought untold wealth, despite the fact that the eyes of Americans here in the remote or inhospitable western occlusion. Until now, the people at Stanford also said the "farm." Therefore, at Stanford University, the bike is an essential means of transport the students.

Stanford University's red brick buildings are yellow, well-all is the seventeenth century-style Church Missionary Society in Spain - not Harvard, Yale University, who's different, different styles of buildings, less the north-eastern part of the University of wall climbing full of ivy, to enter the university, first of all to see is a khaki-colored stone wall around the building under the red roof, Arcade phase, flail go brown in the classic and modern video of delivery is full of rich cultural and academic atmosphere . Stanford Shopping Center is a major part of it around the Business School, and College of Ecation, Institute of Technology, School of Law, Faculty of Medicine, etc. spread all over. Out that the Stanford Science Park, botanical gardens, golf courses and a number of scientific testing ground. Stanford University, the most famous building is the Stanford Memorial Church. Design of the Stanford campus, is a well-known designers Fredrik tenable姆斯泰德(Frederick Olmsted), Amherst College is well-known for his design, and he handed down the most mendable for the New York Manhattan Central Park, San Francisco's Golden Gate Park. Characteristics of his design is a natural forest, coupled with the freedom of the road curve. But Stanford does not have such features, impressive but there is no natural means to show the scale of several kilometers of artificial coconut tree Road.

Stanford University - a well-known construction
Memorial Church at Stanford Hoover Tower, Stanford University landmark building. It is to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Stanford built at the same time to memorate the then U.S. President Hoover on the school's tremendous contribution to the building. Monument following the establishment of a special exhibition to introce the life of President Hoover and performance.

Old Union, built in the early 20th century, e to then-US President Herbert Hoover's proposal. Old Union is beginning to set as the students, activities, entertainment venue, which has a *** all hall, restaurant, library and so on. There was a time, some of which have been requisitioned to do the construction of school administration office. Currently, all building has been restored the function of the initial opening of the students.

Stanford Memorial Church, built in 1903. The 20th century, the San Francisco earthquake occurred in the o to cause a serious damage to the church. Although the overall structure did not collapse, but the clock tower and beautiful mosaics on the external walls of severely damaged. After a major earthquake in 1989, a full closure of the church for 4 years to repair, repair is very successful, now both inside and outside the church do not see signs of earthquake damage. Memorial Church working days only open to tourists ring the day, no tickets, but only in one visit.


高等数学2A - High Level Mathematics 2A
建筑环境与能源应用工程概论 - Construction Environment and Energy Engineering Technology(省去”概论“用”技术“取代。概论这种东西翻译成英文听起来很像初学者)

大学化学 - Chemistry (省去大学,因为对方已经知道你是大学)
画法几何与工程制图 - Geometry and Technical Drawing
大学英语读写译,大学英语听力,大学英语口语 - Professional English Study (合并这三个科目,并改为”专业英语“,因为国外听力,读书这种事情是小学生做的,你那样写人家反而会觉得很好笑)



Preschool education (or infant education) is the provision of learning to children before the commencement of statutory and obligatory education, usually between the ages of zero and three or five, depending on the jurisdiction.

In the United Kingdom nursery school (or 'playgroup') is the form of preschool education. In the United States the terms 'preschool' and 'Pre-K' are used, while "nursery school" is an older term.

Preschool work is organized within a framework that professional educators create. The framework includes structural (administration, class size, student–teacher ratio, services, etc.), process (quality of classroom environments, teacher-child interactions, etc.), and alignment (standards, curriculum, assessments) components that are associated with each individual unique child that has both social and academic outcomes. At each age band, an appropriate curriculum should be followed. For example, it would be normal to teach a child how to count to 10 after the age of four.[1] Arguably the first pre-school institution was opened in 1816 by Robert Owen in New Lanark, Scotland.[2][3][4] The Hungarian countess Theresa Brunszvik followed in 1828.[5][6] In 1837, Friedrich Fröbel opened one in Germany, coining the term "kindergarten".


University Of Cambridge 剑桥大学


The University of Cambridge

The University of Cambridge, one of the world's top ten universities, was set up in 1209. It is located in the scenic town of Cambridge. It has been called "the city, the university". Although it was imbued with a strong academic atmosphere here, it's still a fast-paced and modern city with the bustling commercial life, and without losing the typical rural scenery of England. The famous River Cam flows through it, and it's also wandering the shore of the River Cam. In which the century-old institution has a long history and classical architectures are all everywhere.Tall beautiful campuses, solemn churches and the red-brick houses with crawling ivy are standing in the green trees and flowers all over the town.These are with luxuriant vegetation, antique flavor. How intoxicating they are!


Cambridge (University of Cambridge), referred to Cambridge, is a located in Cambridge, UK's top research universities in the world. Founded in 1209, it is also the world's second oldest
剑桥大学(University of Cambridge),
English university. Cambridge and Oxford collectively referred to as "Oxbridge" (Oxbridge), in addition to the two universities collaborate on culture and reality have become part of British social history, the two universities have long been competing. And often and Oxford universities compete for the best of the UK's reputation.

Cambridge is one of the world's most prominent universities, the federal University College, there are currently 31 colleges, and various academic departments were included in the six main academic college. It is also a member of numerous academic alliances, but also the UK a prestigious Golden Triangle. Which is also the birth of the most Nobel Prize winners of higher learning, a total of 90 Nobel laureates are or have been studying or working in Cambridge.

剑桥大学(University of Cambridge),简称剑桥,是一所位于英国剑桥市的世界顶级研究型大学。始创于1209年,亦是英语世兆斗界里第二古老的大雀亮学。剑桥大学和牛津大学合称为“牛剑”(Oxbridge),除了两所大学在文化和现实上的协作已成为英国社会史的一部分外,两所大学长久以来一直存在竞争。并经常和牛津大学争夺全英最佳学府的声誉。

以上,就是蜕变学习网小编给大家带来的国外大学专业英文介绍 求一所国外大学的简介【英文】附带中文翻译。不需要...全部内容,希望对大家有所帮助!

以上,就是蜕变学习网小编给大家带来的国外大学专业英文介绍 求一所国外大学的简介【英文】附带中文翻译。不需要...全部内容,希望对大家有所帮助!




