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美国大学生专业介绍英文 美国留学 斯坦福大学专业设置介绍

今天蜕变学习网小编整理了美国大学生专业介绍英文 美国留学 斯坦福大学专业设置介绍相关信息,希望在这方面能够更好的帮助到考生及家长。

今天蜕变学习网小编整理了美国大学生专业介绍英文 美国留学 斯坦福大学专业设置介绍,希望在这方面能够更好的帮助到考生及家长。

英文自我介绍 篇8

The Self-introductionHello everyone! My is xxx, from Qinzhou. I’m so glad to meet you, and I’m currently a student at Guangxi Textile Industrial School. my major is knitting. It’s my pleasure to join the CHAMPION training camp, because I love English and I hope I can learn something in the training for my future work. As we all know English is very useful in every field.My English is limited that’s why I’m here. I know it’s a huge challenge for me to conquer English, but I believe that “No pains, no gains, success belongs to the persevering”, I hope I can learn more from you, Thank you!

英文自我介绍 篇6

hello everyone! My name is Zhu Yalu. My birthday is December 31, 20xx. I'm 11 years old. I'm a third grade student.

I have beautiful black hair, big and bright eyes, a high nose, a small talkative mouth and a pair of front teeth that look like rabbits, so I can only smile when I take photos. Because of my eloquence, my popularity is particularly good, and I always have my share in speaking in class.

I am a lively and lovely little girl, my shortcoming is that my academic performance is OK, that is, the Chinese test results are always a little worse than other subjects. I have a wide range of interests, such as reading extracurricular books, painting, dancing But my favorite is dancing, followed by painting. I haven't learned dancing for one or two years. It's been six years since I was five years old. Dancing can not only improve my external temperament, but also make me happy and lively. Painting can make me have more imagination. I always regard the characters in the painting as myself, which makes me feel relaxed.

Mom, dad and sister are very good to me, I think I should be more sensible, study hard is the best way for me to repay them.


Introduction - Harvard University
The principal educational goal of the Visual and Environmental Studies Department (VES) is to provide students in a liberal arts college with an opportunity to gain an understanding of visual art and expression through both study and practice. The department aims to foster a dialogue among makers, critics, and theorists, and accordingly its faculty comprises individuals representing all of these areas. The courses they offer fall into several areas, including the studio arts, photography, filmmaking, film studies, environmental studies, and critical theory. The department’s symbolic and functional home is the Carpenter Center for the Visual Arts, built in 1963, and is the only building designed by Le Corbusier in North America. The building contains art studios, photography darkrooms, film and video screening facilities, faculty offices, and departmental administrative offices. Additionally, the department occupies space in the top floor and the lower level of Sever Hall, which contains faculty offices, film and video editing equipment, film and video screening facilities, as well as an extensive Film Study Library.

All curricular areas within the concentration begin with an introductory program, then move to more advanced courses and may culminate in a thesis or senior-year tutorial. A course of study can be tailored to accommodate the demands of any visual or theoretical approach to art practice.

Students apply to concentrate in VES; and in order to be accepted students must do two things. 1. They must take a course in the department, preferably one related to their area of interest. That course must be taken in advance of the application. 2. They must also maintain a B average. For those wishing to apply to the studio and film/video areas, an introductory studio or production course is required in advance of the application. For assistance in choosing an appropriate first course, students are encouraged to consult with the Director of Undergraduate Studies, the Director of Undergraduate Studies for Film Studies (for those interested in a focus on Film Studies), or the department’s the Academic Services Coordinator.

Ordinarily, introductory-level courses in VES are designated with 2-digit course numbers and more advanced courses with 3-digit course numbers. Those interested in the studio area can choose from among several introductory courses in the studio arts and photography, which are generally course numbers VES 10-49. Students interested in the film/video area should take a course in photography, video, or animation, which are generally course numbers VES 40-59(Note: VES 50, the year-long introductory filmmaking course, is ordinarily taken by concentrators in their sophomore year). Students interested in Film Studies should take Literature & Arts B-11, (The Art of Film); VES 71 (Silent Cinema), or VES 72 (Sound Cinema). These three courses are required and either offers an excellent introduction to the Film Studies track.

There is no formal tutorial program in VES. Since most VES courses are small studio courses or seminars with close interactions between students and faculty, preparation for a senior thesis is begun in these studios and seminars and is often carried to completion in a VES 99 tutorial during the senior year.

If you are interested in talking with someone in VES about specific courses, constructing a Plan of Study, or the possibility of concentrating, you should speak with either the Director of Undergraduate Studies (Robb Moss, 617-496-6614, robbmoss@fas.harvard.edu), Director of Undergraduate Studies for Film Studies (JD Connor, 617-496-6799, jdconnor@fas.harvard.edu,) or, Academic Services Coordinator (Michael Lawrence, mlawrenc@fas.harvard.edu, 617-496-4469). They are available throughout the year to discuss any questions you might have or any plans you are considering. (JD Connor will be on leave of absence in the fall term 2006-07).

英文自我介绍 篇1

I am xxx. I was born in jilin changchun. I graduate from Henan University of UrbanConstruction.I started learning English since I was 15 years old.My father is a farmer . And my mother is a housewife. I amthe youngest one in my family. My brother have a lot of American friends. That’swhy I have no problem communicating with Americans or others by speakingEnglish.

In my spare time, I like to do anythingrelating to English such as listening to English songs, watching English moviesor TV programs, or even attending the activities held by some English clubs orinstitutes. I used to go University for a short- term English study. During that time, I learned a lot ofdaily life English and saw a lot of different things.

I think language is very interesting. Icould express one substanceby using different sounds. So I wish I could study and read more English enlarge my knowledge.





美国留学 斯坦福大学专业设置介绍

美国斯坦福大学研究生专业如何,美国斯坦福大学研究生专业是怎样设置的?   美国斯坦福大学共设7个学院:人文与科学、地球科学、工程学、医学、法律、商业、教育等。学生中,大学生与研究生几乎各占一半。斯大的主要学术穗辩机构,除胡佛研究所和体育运动娱乐部外,还有商业研究生院,法学院,教育学院,工学院,地球科学学院,文理学院,医学院等。

现设有8个研究生院,即商业研究生院、地球科学学院、教育学院、工程学院、人文郑山学和自然科学学院、跨学科专 业学院、法学院、医学院。附属的重要科研机构和实验室有:斯坦福直线加速器实验室,胡佛战争、革命与和平研究所,霍普金斯海洋研究站,斯坦福电子实验室,物理实验室,国际问题研究中心,能源研究所。

商学研究部(Stanford Graduate School of Business)成立於一九二五年,致力於培养企业领袖与研究新知。所开的学位课程分为三大类:一般的企管硕士(MBA)、在职主管管理硕士 (M. S. in Management)及博士学位 (Ph. D.)。每年录取三百六十位全时MBA学生,三项标准决定录取资格:优异的学术性向、在管理界发展的潜力、学生受教和贡献的可能性。学生所就读大学的竞争力、大学主修和在学成绩是决定学术性向的重要因素。GMAT是必备条件,用来衡量学生性向,但是并没订定绝对的「录取」或「不录取」分数。




在全美大学研究生院排名中,美国斯坦福大学 ( http://www.liuxuebbs.com/school2802.html )的工程学院和教育学院排名第2,商科研究生院与哈佛大学并列第1,其他名列前茅的课程还有心理学、大众传播、生物化学、经济学和戏剧等。

每一年,都有大批的学子申请美国的计算机专业,斯坦福大学作为响当当的计算机专业前三甲的综合名校,吸引着众多学生和家长的目光。斯坦福大学的计算机科学专业属于全美TOP3,斯坦福大学计算机科学系成立于1965年,在计算机理论、硬件、软件、数据库和人工智能等各个领域都居于美国乃至世界领先地位。在全球知名的IT公司中,由四位Stanford校友所创立的SUN公司名称实际上就是“Stanford University Network”的首字母缩写,而Yahoo公司的创始人杨致远也曾在Stanford大学就读。从某种意义上来说,离开了Stanford大学的支撑,美国计算机业界的天堂硅谷也未必会成为今日的硅谷。

英文自我介绍 篇10

My name is tan. My name is two. Ying ying". Other people read from the country to the city, but this year I moved from town to country. But don't get me wrong. It's not my incompetence, but my mom and dad are moving jobs, and I'm not sure yet, and my mother has to send me home.

I am a girl, with a face of apple, apple face inlaid with a pair of glowing eyes, eyes is a flat and high nose, the nose is a can say to the cherry mouth.

My hobbies are guzheng and dancing. When I played guzheng for the first time, I could not learn how to do it. When I got home, I was not discouraged. After a failure, I finally tasted the joy of success. Now I can play a lot of music. Oh, I often dance when I was in kindergarten. When I was in primary school, I still couldn't do without dancing. When I was in the Spring Festival, I was going to dance and "walk into Tibet"!

This is me. Would you like to make friends with me?





美国斯坦福大学 优势专业及重点学科介绍


Stanford University (CA) 斯坦福大学

校训:the wind of freedom blows (愿学术自由之风劲吹)


斯坦福大学Stanford University院系专业设置:


现设有8个研究生院,即商业研究生院、地球科学学院、教育学院、工程学院、人文学和自然科学学院、跨学科专 业学院、法学院、医学院。附属的重要科研机构和实验室有:斯坦福直线加速器实验室,胡佛战争、革命与和平研究所,霍普金斯海洋研究站,斯坦福电子实验室,物理实验室,国际问题研究中心,能源研究所。

商学研究部(Stanford Graduate School of Business)成立於一九二五年,致力於培养企业领袖与研究新知。所开的学位课程分为三大类:一般的枝蠢企管硕士(MBA)、在职主管管理硕士 (M。 S。 in Management)及博士学位 (Ph。 D。)。每年录取三百六十位全时MBA学生,三项标准决定录取资格:优异的学术性向、在管理界发展的潜力、学生受教和贡献的可能性。学生所就读大学的竞争力、大学主修和在学成绩是决定学术性向的重要因素。


斯坦福大学企业管理研究所和法律学院在美国数一数二,法学院在美国法学院排名中也一直位于前列。美国最高法院的9个大法官,有6个是从斯坦福大学的法学院毕业的。另外,它的英语、心理学、政治和历史系,都非常优秀。在学生中,最多人修读的科目要算生物,由此可见,生物学科的实力也十分深厚。 最多人修读的科目是生物,其次是经济、心理学、英文、政治科学。




英文自我介绍 篇2

I am happy to have a chance to introduce myself . My name is Huang Aiqing. My English name is Vivian. I am twelve.I am from Shiyan my class likes me very much.Because I am a lovely girl. I often smile.I often help the other people. Chinese is my favourite subject. I am good at English ,too. I have many hobbies. I like playing basketball. Because it can make me happy and strong. Reading books is my my hobby, too. It’s very intresting. I can learn a lot from books. I want to be a writer in the future. This is me. Do you like me ? Do you want to make friends with me? That’s all . Thank you.

英文自我介绍 篇5

Good morning,everybody!

My name is ****,my english name is Bunny. I am 4 years old. I am a happy girl.

I come from xiaohuoban kingdergarten ,my kingdergarten is very beautiful . I like my kingdergarten。

There are three people in my family, my daddy, my mummy and me. My parents love me, and I love them too. We are a happy family.

My favorite color is pink,my favorite clothes is dress,my favorite animal is rabbit,my favorite fruit is watermelon.

I like singing and dancing. I can sing "catch the eels" in english.

Thank you!

英文自我介绍 篇9

My name is Yang Yuhan, a small class (3) one of a primary school student. I am 6 years old. I like to eat rice, like watching TV and animation, also like to play games, like playing computer. Like most is painting, my painting also win awards.

My home have many pictures of me, mom and dad are very like me. I also like them.



英文自我介绍 篇4

I graduated from ×× University, graduate degree, after graduation worked in technology management, education. Chance of exposure to ××, really recognize the true meaning of insurance, recognize the value of work. So I decided to quit work before education, threw himself into the insurance business, in order to send more people to bring security and peace and happy family!

Insurance Marketing is a career to spread love, the probability of more advanced technology risk of accidents is higher, so-called accidents everywhere, but we can effectively transfer the risk to the insurance company, so they have a guarantee, at the same time on the side of the family is responsible expression. Select insurance, to consider three questions: First select a good insurance company strength; second look at this policy if for yourself; third is the clerk of the service.

I am a man very sincere, very willing to help others, certainly for me each and every customer to provide the best quality and most professional services, see their customers because of my help and smile and say thank you from the moment that he was Happy parts can not be expressed in words, and that is for me to work with the best service return.


保险营销是一份传递爱心的事业,科技越发达风险事故发生的概率就越高,正所谓意外无处不在,但我们可以将这样的风险有效地转移给保险公司,让自己有个保障,同时对身边的亲人也是 责任心 的体现。选择保险,要考虑三个问题:第一选择一个实力较好的保险公司;第二看这份保单是否适合自己;第三就是业务员的服务。




Mission and Origins
Mission Statement
The mission of MIT is to advance knowledge and educate students in science, technology, and other areas of scholarship that will best serve the nation and the world in the 21st century.

The Institute is committed to generating, disseminating, and preserving knowledge, and to working with others to bring this knowledge to bear on the world's great challenges. MIT is dedicated to providing its students with an education that combines rigorous academic study and the excitement of discovery with the support and intellectual stimulation of a diverse campus community. We seek to develop in each member of the MIT community the ability and passion to work wisely, creatively, and effectively for the betterment of humankind.

The Institute admitted its first students in 1865, four years after the approval of its founding charter. The opening marked the culmination of an extended effort by William Barton Rogers, a distinguished natural scientist, to establish a new kind of independent educational institution relevant to an increasingly industrialized America. Rogers stressed the pragmatic and practicable. He believed that professional competence is best fostered by coupling teaching and research and by focusing attention on real-world problems. Toward this end, he pioneered the development of the teaching laboratory.

Today MIT is a world-class educational institution. Teaching and research—with relevance to the practical world as a guiding principle—continue to be its primary purpose. MIT is independent, coeducational, and privately endowed. Its five schools and one college encompass numerous academic departments, divisions, and degree-granting programs, as well as interdisciplinary centers, laboratories, and programs whose work cuts across traditional departmental boundaries.

2.Building MIT's Resources
Throughout MIT's history, individuals, corporations and foundations have provided much of the support that has made the Institute a leader in higher education. That tradition continues, with MIT today benefiting from generous giving by a range of organizations and individuals.

During the 2005–2006 fiscal year, private organizations and individuals gave or pledged a total of $301.3 million, the second highest total in MIT's history. Individuals were responsible for the biggest share of that total, at $205.7 million.* No matter what the source, however, such contributions are vital to MIT, providing critically needed undesignated funds along with resources designated to a range of important priorities.

MIT continues to develop new resources for faculty and students, educational innovation, and other key priorities. Playing a central role in such efforts is a large and energetic group of MIT volunteers, most of them Institute graduates. Specific ongoing needs include support for:

Students and campus life—the Institute is working hard to develop new financial support for both undergraduate and graduate students, and is likewise seeking resources for student-oriented activities such as athletics and residential life programs
Research and educational priorities—MIT has designated selected areas as institutional priorities, including cancer research and education, as well as a new facility to house these activities, and energy research and education
Buildings—aside from the proposed new facility for cancer research and education, MIT's building program includes a new MIT Sloan School of Management complex, and a new home for the Physics Department and parts of the Materials Science and Engineering Department

3.Schools and Departments, Divisions & Sections
School of Architecture and Planning
Architecture (Course 4)
Media Arts and Sciences (MAS)
Urban Studies and Planning (Course 11)

School of Engineering
Aeronautics and Astronautics (Course 16)
Biological Engineering Division (BE)
Chemical Engineering (Course 10)
Civil and Environmental Engineering (Course 1)
Computational and Systems Biology (CSB)
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (Course 6)
Engineering Systems Division (ESD)
Materials Science and Engineering (Course 3)
Mechanical Engineering (Course 2)
Nuclear Science and Engineering (Course 22)

School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences
Anthropology (Course 21A)
Comparative Media Studies (CMS)
Economics (Course 14)
Foreign Languages and Literatures (Course 21F)
History (Course 21H)
Humanities (Course 21)
Linguistics and Philosophy (Course 24)
Literature (Course 21L)
Music and Theatre Arts (Course 21M)
Political Science (Course 17)
Science, Technology, and Society (STS)
Writing and Humanistic Studies (Course 21W)

Sloan School of Management
Management (Course 15)

School of Science
Biology (Course 7)
Brain and Cognitive Sciences (Course 9)
Chemistry (Course 5)
Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences (Course 12)
Mathematics (Course 18)
Physics (Course 8)

Whitaker College of Health Sciences and Technology
Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology (HST)

MIT-WHOI Joint Program in Oceanography and Applied Ocean Science and Engineering

Degrees Awarded
Bachelor of Science (SB)
Master of Architecture (MArch)
Master of Business Administration (MBA)
Master in City Planning (MCP)
Master of Engineering (MEng)
Master of Science (SM)
Engineer (each degree designates the field in which it is awarded)
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Doctor of Science (ScD)

4.MIT in Focus
The Undergraduate Commons
The concept of an educational "commons" recalls an earlier time in New England's history, when land that was jointly owned or used by the residents of a community, such as a village green, was known as the commons.

At MIT, the educational commons is the shared knowledge, resources, aspirations, and values that constitute the core of an MIT education. As graduates discover, it also is the foundation of a lifetime of learning.

But what does it mean to be an educated person in the 21st century, in a world increasingly shaped by scientific and technological advances and the global currents they have set in motion?

The outline of MIT's answer began to emerge in October 2006, when the Task Force on the Undergraduate Educational Commons, a committee composed of two dozen faculty members and undergraduates, completed its three-year review of MIT's undergraduate educational program.

Addressing the core requirements that each undergraduate must fulfill, the task force called for the most far-reaching changes to MIT's undergraduate curriculum in the past half-century. One key recommendation was for a new and more flexible science, math, and engineering requirement. Another was for a more clearly articulated grounding in the study of culture and society.

A defining feature of the report is the attention given to tapping students' creativity during their first year at MIT. If the recommendations are adopted, incoming students will have more opportunities to engage in active and project-based learning. New science and engineering classes will focus on creative design projects that motivate the acquisition of disciplinary knowledge, the integration of multiple modes of inquiry, and team building. In the humanities, arts, and social sciences, a similar approach will animate first-year courses exploring critical human issues such as democracy, the nature of the self, wealth and poverty, and war and revolution.

Equally exciting is the recognition of international experience as an essential component of undergraduate education. The task force urged that MIT make it possible, within five years, for all undergraduates to undertake a meaningful period of study, work, or internship abroad without financial or academic penalty.

Further refinement of these recommendations by the faculty is expected in 2007, with final approval and implementation to extend over the next few years.

Long the leader in science and technology-centered education, MIT's directions in curriculum renewal and reform will continue to be watched and emulated by colleges and universities in the United States and around the world.

5.Graduate Education
For more than a century, MIT graduate programs have provided ideal environments for advanced study by students and faculty working together to extend the boundaries of knowledge.

Traditionally a leader in engineering graduate education, MIT has also attained national prominence for its doctoral programs in mathematics and the physical and life sciences. In addition, top-ranked graduate programs in economics; political science; linguistics; science, technology, and society; architecture; urban studies; and management have broadened the spectrum of graduate education at MIT.

Graduate students may pursue any of the following degrees: doctor of philosophy (PhD), doctor of science (ScD), engineer, master of science (SM), master of engineering (MEng), master of architecture (MArch), master in city planning (MCP), and master of business administration (MBA).

Cross-registration opportunities at Harvard and Wellesley, joint degree programs with the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, and the Graduate Consortium in Women's Studies are significant resources for graduate students. Other study opportunities are also available at Brandeis, Tufts, and Boston University.

The Institute has a single faculty that is responsible for both undergraduate and graduate instruction. Each department exercises a large measure of autonomy for its graduate programs, under general guidelines established for the Institute as a whole. The administration of graduate education rests with the president, the associate provost, the chancellor, the dean and associate dean for graduate students, and the Committee on Graduate Programs, a newly created standing committee of the faculty.

Graduate Students Office
The Graduate Students Office supports graduate students and graduate administrators throughout the Institute, complementing each department's administration. GSO comprises the Office of the Dean for Graduate Students; the International Students Office; and the Graduate Student Council, consisting of elected representatives from all departments and graduate residences, as well as at-large members.

Some Grad Facts
The admissions process for graduate programs at MIT is decentralized. Applicants apply directly to the academic department or degree-granting program of interest.

Doctoral students are supported with fellowships (24 percent), research assistantships (51 percent), and teaching assistantships (12 percent). Thirteen percent receive some other form of support or no support.

There is no cap on the number of graduate students admitted to MIT. Departments admit as many as they can support based on their RA, TA, and fellowship resources, as well as the number of faculty available to advise on research.

Graduate students first outnumbered undergraduates in 1980. Today, graduate students make up 60 percent of the total student population.

There were 6,126 graduate students enrolled at MIT in the fall term of 2006. Thirty-six percent were international students. Thirty-four percent were housed on campus, approaching the Institute's goal of 50 percent.

Persons interested in taking graduate courses may apply for special student status. A special graduate student is one whose intended program of study is essentially graduate in nature, but who is not a candidate for an advanced degree.

Twenty-nine percent of students who complete a master of science degree at MIT choose to continue graduate study, while 52 percent enter the workforce. For master of engineering recipients, the numbers are 15 percent and 76 percent, respectively; and for MBA graduates, 2 percent and 87 percent. At the doctoral level, 53 percent of MIT's PhD graduates go on to industry or government positions, while 13 percent accept academic positions and 24 percent pursue postdoctoral research.

Mission and Origins起源和使命
Mission Statement使命声明
The mission of MIT is to advance knowledge and educate students in science, technology, and other areas of scholarship that will best serve the nation and the world in the 21st century.麻省理工学院的使命是促进学生在知识、教育科技、奖学金及其他地区,将提供最佳的服务,在全国乃至世界的二十一世纪.

The Institute is committed to generating, disseminating, and preserving knowledge, and to working with others to bring this knowledge to bear on the world's great challenges.该研究所致力于创造、传播、保存知识并把这项工作与他人知识影响世界的巨大挑战. MIT is dedicated to providing its students with an education that combines rigorous academic study and the excitement of discovery with the support and intellectual stimulation of a diverse campus community.麻省理工致力于提供学生一个严谨的学术研究和教育相结合的兴奋愉与智力支持和刺激了多元化的校园. We seek to develop in each member of the MIT community the ability and passion to work wisely, creatively, and effectively for the betterment of humankind.我们寻求发展的每一个成员在麻省理工社区工作的能力和激情,明智创造性为有效地改善人类.

The Institute admitted its first students in 1865, four years after the approval of its founding charter.学院学生在1865年第一次承认,四年后批准成立章程. The opening marked the culmination of an extended effort by William Barton Rogers, a distinguished natural scientist, to establish a new kind of independent educational institution relevant to an increasingly industrialized America.开幕标志着威廉巴顿罗杰斯延长努力,一位杰出的自然科学家建立一种新的独立教育机构相关日益工业化合众国. Rogers stressed the pragmatic and practicable.罗杰斯强调务实、可行. He believed that professional competence is best fostered by coupling teaching and research and by focusing attention on real-world problems.他认为,最好是培育专业配套的教学、科研和注意力集中到现实世界的问题. Toward this end, he pioneered the development of the teaching laboratory.为此,他首创了教学实验室.

Today MIT is a world-class educational institution.今天麻省理工是一个世界级的教育机构. Teaching and research—with relevance to the practical world as a guiding principle—continue to be its primary purpose.教学与研究-以相关的实际指导原则作为世界-继续是其首要目的. MIT is independent, coeducational, and privately endowed.麻省理工学院是独立的,男女、自费风景. Its five schools and one college encompass numerous academic departments, divisions, and degree-granting programs, as well as interdisciplinary centers, laboratories, and programs whose work cuts across traditional departmental boundaries.它包含了许多大学五所学校和一个学系、师、学位授予程序,以及跨中心、实验室、节目跨越传统部门界限的工作.

Building MIT's Resources麻省理工学院建筑资源
Throughout MIT's history, individuals, corporations and foundations have provided much of the support that has made the Institute a leader in higher education.整个麻省理工的历史上,个人、公司和基金会的支持,提供了很大的研究所取得领先高等教育. That tradition continues, with MIT today benefiting from generous giving by a range of organizations and individuals.这一传统继续下去,以造福于今天麻省理工给予了慷慨的一系列组织和个人.

During the 2005–2006 fiscal year, private organizations and individuals gave or pledged a total of $301.3 million, the second highest total in MIT's history.在2005-2006财政年度,私人团体和个人赠送认捐总额达301.3亿美元,麻省理工总数名列第二的历史. Individuals were responsible for the biggest share of that total, at $205.7 million.* No matter what the source, however, such contributions are vital to MIT, providing critically needed undesignated funds along with resources designated to a range of important priorities.个人负责的最大份额,共计2878元205700000*不管来源,但是这些捐款都是至关重要麻省理工随着基金提供急需用项指定一系列重要资源的优先次序.

MIT continues to develop new resources for faculty and students, educational innovation, and other key priorities.麻省理工继续开发新的资源,师生、教育创新以及其它重点. Playing a central role in such efforts is a large and energetic group of MIT volunteers, most of them Institute graduates.在这种努力中发挥了核心作用,是一个充满活力的大型集团麻省理工志愿者他们大多数毕业生. Specific ongoing needs include support for:目前包括支持特定需求:

Students and campus life—the Institute is working hard to develop new financial support for both undergraduate and graduate students, and is likewise seeking resources for student-oriented activities such as athletics and residential life programs学生和校园生活-学院正努力发展新的财政支持无论本科生和研究生,而同样是寻求资源以学生为本的活动,如体育节目和住宿生活
Research and educational priorities—MIT has designated selected areas as institutional priorities, including cancer research and education, as well as a new facility to house these activities, and energy research and education研究和教育优先麻省理工已把试点机构优先事项,包括癌症研究、教育、以及新的设施,以安置这些活动、能源研究和教育
Buildings—aside from the proposed new facility for cancer research and education, MIT's building program includes a new MIT Sloan School of Management complex, and a new home for the Physics Department and parts of the Materials Science and Engineering Department建筑物除建议新癌症研究和教育设施,麻省理工学院的建设计划,包括新麻省理工学院斯隆管理复杂而新家园、物理系部分材料科学与工程系

MIT in Focus麻省理工焦点
The Undergraduate Commons本科公地
The concept of an educational "commons" recalls an earlier time in New England's history, when land that was jointly owned or used by the residents of a community, such as a village green, was known as the commons.教育观念"公地"回忆当年在新英格兰的历史,当土地被共同所有或使用的社区居民,如绿色村庄,被称为公地.

At MIT, the educational commons is the shared knowledge, resources, aspirations, and values that constitute the core of an MIT education.麻省理工教育公地是共享知识、资源、愿望、核心价值观构成了麻省理工教育. As graduates discover, it also is the foundation of a lifetime of learning.如发现毕业生,也是终身学习的基础.

But what does it mean to be an educated person in the 21st century, in a world increasingly shaped by scientific and technological advances and the global currents they have set in motion?但何谓是受过教育的人在21世纪在日趋功利的世界科技进步和全球已启动电流?

The outline of MIT's answer began to emerge in October 2006, when the Task Force on the Undergraduate Educational Commons, a committee composed of two dozen faculty members and undergraduates, completed its three-year review of MIT's undergraduate educational program.麻省理工纲要的答案2006年10月开始出现,当专责小组本科教育公地,一个由十多位老师和两位大学生,完成了三年的审查麻省理工的本科教育发展计划.

Addressing the core requirements that each undergraduate must fulfill, the task force called for the most far-reaching changes to MIT's undergraduate curriculum in the past half-century.针对核心要求每个本科生必须完成,专责小组呼吁最为深远的变化麻省理工的本科课程半个世纪. One key recommendation was for a new and more flexible science, math, and engineering requirement.其中最主要建议是一项新科技、更灵活、数学、工程的要求. Another was for a more clearly articulated grounding in the study of culture and society.另一个是一个更明确地在文化与社会研究.

A defining feature of the report is the attention given to tapping students' creativity during their first year at MIT.性格报告是注意挖掘学生的创造力,在麻省理工第一年. If the recommendations are adopted, incoming students will have more opportunities to engage in active and project-based learning.如果建议获通过,新任学生将有更多机会与积极从事研习. New science and engineering classes will focus on creative design projects that motivate the acquisition of disciplinary knowledge, the integration of multiple modes of inquiry, and team building.新理工科班将着重

英文自我介绍 篇3

我叫***,是一名 电子商务专业 的学生。

我就读于****学校,将于200*年*月毕业。我非常珍惜在校期间的学习机会,认真学习文化课程,较熟悉地掌握专业知识,与此同时,我还学会了许多做人做事的道理。三年来的学习生话磨练出一个自信和 上进心 强的我。

面对知识经济的到来, 计算机技术 也得到了广泛的应用。作为一个21世纪的大学生,面对的又是一个新的挑战。不仅要有扎实的专业技能,还需有更多方面的知识。所以大学期间我不断学习,不断拼搏,努力学习各种计算机,网页设计, 互联网技术 ,20xxServer,微机原理,跟单信用证,英语函电,国际贸易实务等专业知识。除此之外还选修了案例分析, 商务代理 ,photoshop图像处理以及物流知识等以提高自己的综合素质。




My name is * * *, a student of E - commerce.

I am at * * * * school and will graduate in 200* month. I cherish the opportunity to learn in school, study culture courses and master professional knowledge, and at the same time, I have learned a lot about the principles of doing things. In the past three years, the learning students have developed a self confident and motivated self.

In the face of the advent of knowledge economy, computer technology has also been widely used. As a college student in twenty-first Century, it is a new challenge. We should not only have solid professional skills, but also have more knowledge. So during my college years, I kept learning and working hard to learn all kinds of computer, web design, Internet technology, 20xxServer, microcomputer principles, documentary credits, English correspondence, international trade practice and other professional knowledge. In addition to this, we have selected case analysis, business agent, Photoshop Image processing and logistics knowledge to improve their comprehensive quality.

In the course of learning, I work hard, and I can also do my job and be conscientious and conscientious and meticulous. I am optimistic, enthusiastic, sincere and tolerant in life.

In view of this, I hope to be able to make a job after graduation, and eagerly anticipate that I can use the skill you learn to make my own little power.

I am confident that I am competent for my job. I will overcome all kinds of difficulties and become better qualified for future work in a spirit of "facing difficulties and going up".

英文自我介绍 篇7


★重要的是要看给谁介绍,介绍前要查阅面试人的资料。最好是想办法去看看老师长啥样,这样多少会心安一点。知道面试老师平常上课、和人说话是什么样子。如此一来,面试的时候哪怕他面容严肃,但是知道了老师本性其实非常和蔼可亲,还会被吓到吗?(如果你问如何知道老师上课的样子,只要你留心方法还是很多的,大家可以自行脑补...... )

★如果可以做一份美美的简历附带上材料(不是所有学校都有这个传统,视情况而定喽) 进入面试现场先发简历,老师还会说谢谢的。在老师看你简历的时候,进行简单的自我介绍,既给老师详细看简历的时间,自己心也自在一点,不会被老师为啥不抬头看人这种事尴尬到。








Good morning,teachers, I am honored to be informed to have thisinterview.


Introduce yourself 自我介绍

First let me introduce myself, myname is XX, 23 years old, andDavid is my English name. I am open-minded, easy toadapt, and willing to help others.

首先,请允许我介绍我自己,我叫 23岁,我是一个思维开阔,容易适应, 乐于助人的人。

Introduce your college 介绍大学

I studied in XX University.Iappreciate it, because it offers me a chance to develop my abilities. During mycollege years, I have made rapid and great progress inmany areas, as a student, Iwork very hard, and obtain scholarship many times, I also gain good comments from teachers and classmates, working as a member of Student Union, Istrive to finish any assignment perfectly. In a word, Ilearned a lot in my college life.

我在 大学学习。我很喜欢我它,因为它为我提供了发展我能力的机会。在我的大学学习期间,我在许多方面取得了进步。作为一个学生,我认真学习,多次获得奖学金。我也受到老师和。同学的好评。作为学生会的一员,我尽善尽美的完成分配的任务。总之,我的大学生涯,收获良多。

Introduce your family 介绍家庭

In my family, there are three members, my father, my mother, and I. My parents are workers, my fatherworks very hard,so most of the housework is done by mymother, of course, while I amat home, I would help her. I love my parents and theylove me, too. When I make a success, they are more excited than me, and supportme to do better. Even though I failed, instead ofblaming, they alwaysencourage me not to give up. During mypreparation for graduate examination, the support frommy family is always my momentum.


Introduce your hometown 介绍家乡

My hometown is XX, a young city in XXProvince. It is famous for its XX and XX. There are great scenes here, XX, XX, XX, and so on. Each year, many people come herefor tour and investment. So I believe that, with thejoint efforts of every person, a better future of XX iscoming (round the corner)。

我的家乡是 , 省的一个小城市。它以 而出名。我的家乡有很棒景色:每年,许多人来这里投资和旅游。所以我相信,随着每个人的努力,一个更好的将来会随之而来。

Introduce your reason for preparing the postgraduate exam 考研的原因

During the past four years, I haveacquired a lot of professional knowledgeand practical skills, but gradually, I realize it is not enough. In my opinion,further study is actually urgent for me to realize and finally achieveself-value. Life is precious, it is necessary to catchany opportunity for self-development, especially in thecompetitive modern society.

Therefore, I prefer to goon for further education.


Why do you choose to study in our department? 为什么选择报考的学院。

I am deeply impressed by the academicatmosphere when connecting to the web site of your department. In addition, As theproverb says ‘process is the activity of today and the assurance of tomorrow.’If I got a chance to study here, I would like tocontinue to accept professional training, in order toget ready for working in the future. I hope I can achieve my goal soon.


About your future plans: 未来学习计划

What do you expect to achieve during your studyif you are eolled into this institute?

There must be many things to learn if I wereeolled into my ideal research field. I hope I can build up a systematic viewof XX, especially in the fields of XX. Sincerely,my wish is to get a complete comprehension of XX. On the other hand, I am dreaming of the participation of some relevant projects of mymajor, for this reason, I willget more experience in practice. And what’s more, Iexpect to continue my study for doctorate degree, if itis possible. In a word, I am looking forward to makingup a solid foundation for future profession which is based on three years ofstudy here.

如果我被理想的学校录取的话,我要学习很多东西。我希望能建立起对专业系统的观点,尤其是在 领域。我希望能全面的理解 。另一方面,我梦想能参与与我专业相关的实践活动,因为这样我就会有更多实践经验。进一步,如果可能的话,我希望能继续获取博士学位。总之,我期待未来的三年的学习能为将来的职业打下坚实的基础。

Do you have any hobbies? 爱好

In myspare time, I like reading books, playing volleyball, communicating with friends, and so on.

I also like English very much, I amfond of watching English films and listening to English songs, I passed College English Test Band Four in September, 20xx, I do believe there is still a longway for me to learn English well enough,Because I realize that English is a bridgeconnected our country with the outside world. Learning English is the mostdirect and effective method for intercourse among countries and also useful forus to get advanced knowledge and technology from other nations.


我也非常喜欢英语,我喜欢看英语电影和听英语歌。我在 年过了大学英语 级,我相信学好英语还有很长的路要走,因为我知道英语是联系外面世界的桥梁、学习英语是国家间交流最直接的方式,同时也是我们从其他国家学习更加高级的知识和科技最直接的方式。

以上,就是蜕变学习网小编给大家带来的美国大学生专业介绍英文 美国留学 斯坦福大学专业设置介绍全部内容,希望对大家有所帮助!

以上,就是蜕变学习网小编给大家带来的美国大学生专业介绍英文 美国留学 斯坦福大学专业设置介绍全部内容,希望对大家有所帮助!




