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王子岛大学专业介绍 爱德华王子岛大学的奖学金

今天蜕变学习网小编整理了王子岛大学专业介绍 爱德华王子岛大学的奖学金相关信息,希望在这方面能够更好的帮助到考生及家长。

今天蜕变学习网小编整理了王子岛大学专业介绍 爱德华王子岛大学的奖学金,希望在这方面能够更好的帮助到考生及家长。


奖学金名称:Ambrose Lee International Student Prize
要求 :Awarded to an international student (not including the US) who has used the services of the Webster Centre for Teaching and Learning.
金额 :$1000.00
奖学金名称:Dr. Vianne Timmons International Student Award
要求 :awarded to an International student enrolled in their second year of study as a full time undergraduate student in good academic standing who demonstrates involvement, both on and off campus.
金额 :$1000.00
奖学金名称:International Athletic Fellowship
要求 :awarded to an International student who is currently a member of one of the UPEI varsity athletic teams and in good academic standing. Students will be nominated by their coaches.
金额 :$1000.00
奖学金名称:International Continuing Excellence Award
要求 :awarded to International students who have successfully completed their first year of study at UPEI with a cumulative average of 80% and returning for the next academic year.
金额 :$1000.00
奖学金名称:International Entrance Award
要求 : A non-renewable entrance award up to the value of $2000. for a student who graduated in the top 10% of their graduating class and entering first year of study in Canada.
金额 :$500.00
奖学金名称:International Scholastic Achievement Prize
要求 : A non-renewable prize of up to $ 1000 for International students who have achieved and maintained an average of 75% and have contributed to the campus community and has not previously received an International scholastic achievement prize in the current year.
金额 :$500.00
奖学金名称:PEI Equity Alliance Co. Award in English Preparation Program
要求 : A non-renewable prize of up to $ 1000 for International students who have achieved and maintained an average of 75% and have contributed to the campus community and has not previously received an International scholastic achievement prize in the current year.
金额 :$1000.00
奖学金名称:Reverend Vincent Murnaghan Memorial Scholarship
要求 :Awarded to a qualified refugee or foreign student who displays commitment to working for social justice and to improving the living conditions in the community and on the planet, and who demonstrates high academic achievement or evidence of academic potential.
金额 :$1000.00
奖学金名称:Rotary Club of Charlottetown Bursary
要求 :Awarded to International students from developing countries who are enrolled in full-time studies at UPEI; selection criteria include academic achievement and financial need.
金额 :$1000.00
奖学金名称:Royal Commonwealth Society Bursary
要求 :Awarded annually to a UPEI student from a Commonwealth country other than Canada in any field of study. The award is based on academic excellence and need. It seeks to recognize students who will use their studies to contribute to the development of their country of origin. If there are no applicants from a Commonwealth country, then a Canadian can be selected.
金额 :$1000.00
奖学金名称:UPEI Society for International Students Excutive
要求 :awarded to a full time International student returning to UPEI for their 2nd, 3rd or 4th year, has a 75% cumulative average; and be actively involved in the UPEI campus community and/or Island community.
金额 :$500.00


爱德华王子岛大学本科和研究生都有兽医专业,该学校的兽医学院是加拿大5大兽医医学院之一,并且是北美州顶尖的,院长Dr. Ian Gardner是加拿大杰出科学家学会的会长。同时爱德华王子岛大学也是全加拿大唯一招收国际生并开设兽医预科的大学。


以上,就是蜕变学习网小编给大家带来的王子岛大学专业介绍 爱德华王子岛大学的奖学金全部内容,希望对大家有所帮助!

以上,就是蜕变学习网小编给大家带来的王子岛大学专业介绍 爱德华王子岛大学的奖学金全部内容,希望对大家有所帮助!




