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加拿大约克大学会计专业 加拿大约克大学专业选择

今天蜕变学习网小编整理了加拿大约克大学会计专业 加拿大约克大学专业选择相关信息,希望在这方面能够更好的帮助到考生及家长。

今天蜕变学习网小编整理了加拿大约克大学会计专业 加拿大约克大学专业选择,希望在这方面能够更好的帮助到考生及家长。


一般概述 Description: Atkinson’s Bachelor of Administrative Studies degree provides students with a solid understanding of business and management theories and practices. Whether you are planning to pursue a career in business management, or are already working and wish to expand your knowledge, the Bachelor of Administrative Studies program will provide you with the skills that you want and employers demand. The program is based on a comprehensive curriculum that blends courses in human resources management, marketing, finance, as well as general management practices in the Canadian business context. Graduates of the program are well-equipped to pursue a variety of management careers in the private, public and governmental sectors. 学习:人力资源管理,营销,金融,管理 包括的专业细分,可选择的专业领域有 行政和法律 BA Public Administration and Justice Studies BAS Administrative Studies 会计BAS Administrative Studies (Stream in Accounting) 商业研究BAS Administrative Studies (Stream in Business Research) 金融BAS Administrative Studies (Stream in Finance) 人力资源BAS Administrative Studies (Stream in Human Resources Management) 管理BAS Administrative Studies (Stream in Management) 营销BAS Administrative Studies (Stream in Marketing) 就业领域 Careers: 企业家,经理,主任,总经理 Entrepreneur, Business Manager, Executive Director, General Manager.




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以上,就是蜕变学习网小编给大家带来的加拿大约克大学会计专业 加拿大约克大学专业选择全部内容,希望对大家有所帮助!




